Title:[xfocus-SD-060206]BCB compiler incorrect deal sizeof operator vulnerabilityAffected version : <= BCB6+ent_upd4
Vendor: http://borland.com/
XFOCUS (http://www.xfocus.org) had already discovered
a vulnerability in BCB6(ent_upd4) compiler.
It maybe cause integer overflow if you misuse use sizeof operator.
* check_compiler_sizeof_vulnerability.c
* Check compiler whether correct deal with sizeof operator,
* which can cause integer overflow if you careless use !!!
* note: some old compiler have this vulnerability!!!!
* by alert7@xfocus.org
* XFOCUS Security Team
* http://www.xfocus.org
* already tested:
* BCB6+ent_upd4....................................vuln !!!
* gcc version 4.0.0 20050519 (Red Hat 4.0.0-8).....not vuln
* gcc version 2.95.3-4(cygwin special).............not vuln
* gcc version egcs-2.91.66.........................not vuln
* cc: Sun WorkShop 6 2000/04/07 C 5.1 .............not vuln
* VC6+sp5..........................................not vuln ,thank eyas
* lcc version 3.8..................................not vuln ,thank tombkeeper
* evc4+sp4.........................................not vuln ,thank san
* VC6 not sp5......................................?
* VC7..............................................?
* evc not sp4......................................?
* freebsd gcc version..............................?
* openbsd gcc version..............................?
* ...
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i =-1;
printf("Check compiler whether correct deal with sizeof operator\n");
printf(" by alert7@xfocus.org \n\n");
if (i > sizeof ( int ) )
printf("This compiler is not vuln\n");
printf("This compiler is vuln!!!\n");
return 0;