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软件名称:  Findjmp2.zip
界面语言:  简体中文
软件类型:  国产软件
运行环境:  WinNT/2K/Xp
授权方式:  共享软件
软件大小:  8K
软件等级:  ★★★★☆
发布时间:  2005-02-18
官方网址: http://www.eeye.com 作者:Ryan
Findjmp2 - Find jmp, call, push in a Loaded DLL
To keep updated with the tool visit the project's homepage at: http://www.hat-squad.com/en/000157.html
Findjmp2 is a modified version of Findjmp from eEye.com to find jmp, call, push in a loaded DLL. This version includes search for pop/pop/ret set of instructions that is useful to bypass Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2003 stack protection mechanism.

Source Code:
written by Ryan Permeh - ryan at eeye - Summarily modified by I2S-LaB.com
Findjmp2.c (pop/pop/ret scanner, logging to file)
version by A.D - class101 at hat-squad
http://class101.org, http://www.hat-squad.com

This finds useful jump points in a dll. Once you overflow a buffer, by
looking in the various registers, it is likely that you will find a
reference to your code. This program will find addresses suitible to
overwrite eip that will return to your code.

It should be easy to modify this to search for other good jump points,
or specific code patterns within a dll.

It currently supports looking for:
   1. jmp reg

   2. call reg

   3. push reg
All three options result in the same thing, EIP being set to reg.

It also supports the following registers:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

FILE *fplog;

void usage();
void sep();
void iok(BYTE *curpos, char *reg);
void iok2(BYTE *curpos, char *reg);
void ook(BYTE *curpos, char *reg);
void ook2(BYTE *curpos, char *reg);

DWORD GetRegNum( char *reg );
void findjmp( char *dll, char *reg );

//This finds useful jump points in a dll. Once you overflow a buffer, by
//looking in the various registers, it is likely that you will find a
//reference to your code. This program will find addresses of suitible
//addresses of eip that will return to your code.

int main( int argc, char **argv )
if( argc <= 2 )
  char dll[512], //holder for the dll to look in
  reg[512]; // holder for the register

  if ((fplog =fopen("findjmp.txt","r"))==NULL){
   fplog =fopen("findjmp.txt","w");}
  else fplog =fopen("findjmp.txt","a");
  strncpy( dll, argv[1], 512 );
  strncpy( reg, argv[2], 512 );
  findjmp( dll, reg );
return 0;

//This prints the usage information.

void usage()
printf("\nFindjmp, Eeye, I2S-LaB\nFindjmp2, Hat-Squad\nFindJmp DLL registre\nEx: findjmp KERNEL32.DLL esp"\
     "\nCurrently supported registre are: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, ESP, EBP\n" );

//findjmp is the workhorse. it loads the requested dll, and searches for
//the specific patterns for jmp reg, push reg ret, and call reg

void findjmp( char *dll,char *reg )
    char reg1[]="eax";char reg2[]="ebx";
    char reg3[]="ecx";char reg4[]="edx";
char reg5[]="esi";char reg6[]="edi";
    char reg7[]="esp";char reg8[]="ebp";

BYTE jmppat[8][2]={ { 0xFF, 0xE0 }, { 0xFF, 0xE3 }, { 0xFF, 0xE1 }, { 0xFF, 0xE2 },
       { 0xFF, 0xE6 }, { 0xFF, 0xE7 }, { 0xFF, 0xE4 }, { 0xFF, 0xE5 } }; // patterns for jmp ops

BYTE callpat[8][2]={ { 0xFF, 0xD0 }, { 0xFF, 0xD3 }, { 0xFF, 0xD1 }, { 0xFF, 0xD2},
       { 0xFF, 0xD6 }, { 0xFF, 0xD7 }, { 0xFF, 0xD4 }, { 0xFF, 0xD5 } }; // patterns for call ops

BYTE pushretpat[8][2]={ { 0x50, 0xC3 }, { 0x53, 0xC3 }, { 0x51, 0xC3 }, { 0x52, 0xC3 },
       { 0x56, 0xC3 }, { 0x57, 0xC3 }, { 0x54, 0xC3 }, { 0x55, 0xC3 } }; // patterns for pushret ops

BYTE poppat[8][1]={ { 0x58 }, { 0x5B }, { 0x59 }, { 0x5A }, // patterns for pop,pop,ret
     { 0x5E }, { 0x5F }, { 0x5C }, { 0x5D },};

BYTE retn[1][1]={ 0xC3 }; // pattern for pop,pop,ret

BYTE retnbis[1][1]={ 0xC2 }; // pattern for pop,pop,ret

HMODULE loadedDLL; //base pointer for the loaded DLL

BYTE *curpos; //current position within the DLL
BYTE *curpos2; //subposition pop,pop,ret

DWORD regnum=GetRegNum(reg); // decimal representation of passed register
DWORD regnum1=GetRegNum(reg1);DWORD regnum2=GetRegNum(reg2);
DWORD regnum3=GetRegNum(reg3);DWORD regnum4=GetRegNum(reg4);
DWORD regnum5=GetRegNum(reg5);DWORD regnum6=GetRegNum(reg6);
DWORD regnum7=GetRegNum(reg7);DWORD regnum8=GetRegNum(reg8);

DWORD numaddr=0; //accumulator for addresses

if( regnum == -1 ) //check if register is useable
{ //it didn't load, time to bail
  printf( "There was a problem understanding the register.\n"\
   "Please check that it isa correct IA32 register name\n"\
   "Currently supported are:\n "\


if( (loadedDLL=LoadLibraryA(dll)) == NULL) // check if DLL loaded correctly
{ //it didn't load, time to bail
  printf( "There was a problem Loading the requested DLL.\n"\
    "Please check that it is in your path and readable\n" );
  fprintf(fplog,"Findjmp, Eeye, I2S-LaB\nFindjmp2, Hat-Squad\n");
  printf("\nFindjmp, Eeye, I2S-LaB\nFindjmp2, Hat-Squad\n");
  printf( "Scanning %s for code useable with the %s register\n", dll, reg ); //we loaded the dll correctly, time to scan it
  fprintf(fplog,"Scanning %s for code useable with the %s register\n", dll, reg ); //we loaded the dll correctly, time to scan it
  curpos=(BYTE*)loadedDLL; //set curpos at start of DLL
  curpos2=(BYTE*)loadedDLL; //pop,pop,ret subscan.

    if( !memcmp( curpos, jmppat[regnum], 2) ) //check for jmp match
     printf( "0x%X\tjmp %s\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match
     fprintf(fplog,"0x%X\tjmp %s\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match
    else if( !memcmp( curpos, callpat[regnum],2) ) //check for call match

     printf( "0x%X\tcall %s\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a call match
     fprintf(fplog,"0x%X\tcall %s\n", curpos, reg );
    else if( !memcmp(curpos,pushretpat[regnum], 2) ) //check for push/ret match
     printf( "0x%X\tpush %s - ret\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a pushret match
     fprintf(fplog,"0x%X\tpush %s - ret\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match
    else if( !memcmp(curpos,poppat[regnum], 1) ) //check for pop/pop/ret match
     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum1], 1) )
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
       iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
       iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum2], 1) )
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
       iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
       iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum3], 1) )
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
       iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
       iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum4], 1) )
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
       iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
       iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum5], 1) )
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
       iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
       iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum6], 1) )
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
       iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
       iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum7], 1) )
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
       iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
       iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum8], 1) )
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
       iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
       iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
       ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
      curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
   fprintf( fplog,"Finished Scanning %s for code useable with the %s register\n", dll, reg );
   printf( "Finished Scanning %s for code useable with the %s register\n", dll, reg );
   printf( "Found %d usable addresses\n", numaddr );
   fprintf( fplog,"Found %d usable addresses\n", numaddr );sep();fprintf( fplog,"\n\n\n");


DWORD GetRegNum( char *reg )
DWORD ret=-1;
if( !stricmp( reg, "eax") )
else if( !stricmp( reg, "ebx") )
else if( !stricmp( reg, "ecx") )
else if( !stricmp( reg, "edx") )
else if( !stricmp( reg, "esi") )
else if( !stricmp( reg, "edi") )
else if( !stricmp( reg, "esp") )
else if( !stricmp( reg, "ebp") )

return ret; //return our decimal register number

void sep()

void iok(BYTE *curpos, char *reg)
printf( "0x%X\tpop %s - pop - ret\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a popopret match

void iok2(BYTE *curpos, char *reg)
printf( "0x%X\tpop %s - pop - retbis\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a popopret match

void ook(BYTE *curpos, char *reg)
fprintf(fplog,"0x%X\tpop %s - pop - ret\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match

void ook2(BYTE *curpos, char *reg)
fprintf(fplog,"0x%X\tpop %s - pop - retbis\n", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match

// EOF

Download information:
The original source source code and binary can be found at: http://www.hat-squad.com/~class101/36/55/002/Findjmp2.zip (ZIP Passwd: byclass101). 
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