[-remote-] [-description-] [-author-]
ADMDNews.zip adm news 86 exploit for dnews server (v5.0f - v5.3e3) joey__
outlookmailxploit.zip mime content allows commands to be executed. fbyte
srcgrab.pl users can grab the source for asp files smiler
ssexploit502x.pl / trans.pl users can grab any file remotely [multiple]
[-dos-] [-description-] [-author-]
iisdos.c users can crash iis remotely wc
msw2ktelnetdos.sh users can disable the telnetd server remotely wc
[-kernel-] [-description-] [-author-]
bubonic.c users can crash machine remotely sil
fawx2.c users can crash machine remotely klepto/defile
jolt2.c users can cause machine to consume 100% of cpu. phonix