#!/usr/bin/perl#[+] Bug : RM Downloader (.Ram/.Smi/ .pls/ .smil/ .wax/ .wpl File) Local Stack Overflow #[+] Author : the_Edit0r#[+] Greetz to all my friends#[+] Tested on: Windows XP Pro SP2 #[+] Big thnx: Expl0iters.ir * Anti-security.ir###########
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Audacity = 1.2 .gro universal buffer overflow exploit # Author: mr_me # Download: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ # Tested on Wind0ws XP sp3 Vist@ # # Greetz fly to Muts and the offensive-security team # also to m
/* navicpnt_xp1.c * NaviCopa Web Server 3.01 Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit * Cresit : http://milw0rm.com/exploits/7966 Thanks To: e.wiZz! * * Coded by : SimO-s0fT Madridista ;) * E-mail : Overflows[at]Hotmail[dot]com * Tested on Windows XP SP2 Fran
WAR-FTPD 1.65 (MKD CD) requests Remote Denial of Service exploited by opt!x hacker mail: optix@9.cn greetz to his0k4 about : http://securityreason.com/exploitalert/6971 you have to connect to target server from cmd like that: i sended it with perl a
#!/usr/bin/perl # by ahwak2000 # email: 0.w[at]w.cn #Tested on Windows XP SP3 (English) # Fat Player 0.6b(wav) Universal Local Buffer Exploit #http://sourceforge.net/projects/fatplayer/ ################################################################
# [*] Vulnerability : BlazeDVD 5.1 Professional (.PLF File) Local BOF (SEH) Universal for XP and Vista # [*] Detected by : hack4love ( http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/9329 ) # [*] Sploit coded by : corelanc0d3r (corelanc0d3r[at]gmail[dot]com) # [*] S
#!/usr/bin/perl # Found By :: HACK4LOVE # hack4love@hotmail.com # Faslo Player 7.0 (.m3u) Local Buffer Overflow PoC # http://www.rspq.org/faslo/fs7setup.exe ############################################################ ##EAX 41414141 ##ECX 004A7CB0 fa
FreeBSD = 6.1 suffers from classical check/use race condition on SMPsystems in kevent() syscall, leading to kernel mode NULL pointerdereference. It can be triggered by spawning two threads:1st thread looping on open() and close() syscalls, and the 2
*BSD setusercontext vulnerabilitesdiscovered by Kingcope, July 2009lewls XDLet's go..BSD derived operating systems have a special function to set a user context.The function setusercontext() is available on for example FreeBSD 5.0 and 7.0.An example