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热门关键字: shell  88888  art  vitter  linux
CompleteFTP Server version 3.3.x POT remote denial of service exploit
  日期:2010-05-24 10:54:06 点击:52 评论:0
------------------------------------------------------------------------CompleteFTP Server v 3.3.x PORT command Remote DOS exploit------------------------------------------------------------------------1-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
ECShop remote SQL injection exploit that takes advantage of search.php
  日期:2010-05-24 10:49:18 点击:82 评论:0
# Exploit Title: ECShop Search.php SQL Injection Exploit# Date: 2010-05-17# Author: Jannock# Software Link: http://www.ecshop.com# Version: ECShop All Version# Tested on:# CVE :# WAVDB: WAVDB-01606# Code :?phpini_set(max_execution_time,0);error_repo
Solaris/x86 - Halt shellcode - 36 bytes
  日期:2010-05-21 10:10:27 点击:82 评论:0
/* Title: Solaris/x86 - Halt shellcode - 36 bytes Auhtor: Jonathan Salwan submit AT shell-storm.org Web: http://www.shell-storm.org Twitter: http://twitter.com/shell_storm Date: 2010-05-20 Tested: SunOS opensolaris 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc Sol
ComponentOne VSFlexGrid v. 7 & 8 "Archive()" method Remote Buffer Overflow Explo
  日期:2010-05-21 10:09:46 点击:170 评论:0
# Tilte: ComponentOne VSFlexGrid v. 7 8 Archive() method Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit # Date....................: [19-05-2010] # Author..................: [Ma3sTr0-Dz] # Location ...............: [Algeria] # Software ...............: [ComponentOne
Solaris/x86 - execve("/bin/sh","/bin/sh",NULL) - 27 bytes
  日期:2010-05-21 10:08:59 点击:56 评论:0
/* Title: Solaris/x86 - execve(/bin/sh,/bin/sh,NULL) - 27 bytes Author: Jonathan Salwan submit AT shell-storm.org Web: http://www.shell-storm.org Twitter: http://twitter.com/shell_storm Date: 2010-05-19 Tested: SunOS opensolaris 5.11 snv_111b i86pc
CommuniCrypt Mail 1.16 (ANSMTP.dll/AOSMTP.dll) ActiveX
  日期:2010-05-21 10:08:17 点击:41 评论:0
html !-- |------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ __ | | _________ ________ / /___ _____ / /____ ____ _____ ___ | | / ___/ __ / ___/ _ / / __ `/ __ / __/ _ / __ `/ __ `__ | | / /__/ /_/ / / / __/ / /_/ / / / /
linux/x86 execve("/usr/bin/wget", "aaaa"); - 42 bytes
  日期:2010-05-21 10:05:04 点击:85 评论:0
===================================================== linux/x86 execve(/usr/bin/wget, aaaa); - 42 bytes ===================================================== /* Title: Linux x86 execve(/usr/bin/wget, aaaa); - 42 bytes Author: Jonathan Salwan submit A
IMEDIA suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability
  日期:2010-05-21 10:01:24 点击:52 评论:0
# Exploit Titre: IMEDIA (index.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability# Date: 19-05-2010# Auteur: Kannibal615# Link Software: N/A# Version: N/A# Test sur: ALL# CVE: N/A# Code: # DORK : Powered by: Con-Imedia#!usr/bin/perl -wuse HTTP::Request;use LWP::UserA
SyncBack Freeware V3.2.20.0
  日期:2010-05-20 10:23:40 点击:60 评论:0
#!/usr/bin/ruby # Software : SyncBack Freeware V3.2.20.0 # Author : Lincoln # Date : May 19, 2010 # Reference : http://www.corelan.be:8800/advisories.php?id=CORELAN-10-041 # OS : Windows # Tested on : XP SP3 En (VirtualBox) # Type of vuln : SEH # Gr
Google Chrome Cross Origin Bypass in Google URL (GURL)
  日期:2010-05-20 10:23:07 点击:112 评论:0
#Google Chrome Cross Origin Bypass in Google URL (GURL) # #CVE-ID: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-1663 # #Author: Jordi Chancel # #Software Link: http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/2010/04/stable-update-bug
QtWeb Browser version 3.3 Dos
  日期:2010-05-20 10:22:00 点击:96 评论:0
# Title: QtWeb Browser version 3.3 Dos based in Xss # Software:http://www.qtweb.net/downloads/QtWeb-setup.exe # Portable Software:http://www.qtweb.net/downloads/QtWeb.exe # Version: 3.3 # Tested on: Windows # Author: PoisonCode # Published: 2010-05-
  日期:2010-05-19 11:07:00 点击:53 评论:0
serv-u提权使用前提:管理员没有设置本地管理密码.如果设置了,可以在serv-u安装目录UsersLocal Administrator Domain.Archive里面找到一个MD5值,是前两位随机字符+MD5.破出来后减去前两位随机字符就是本地管理密码.如果管理员没有设置,在exp的第一页随便填什么密码都
NetBSD 5.0 and below Hack PATH Environment overflow proof of concept
  日期:2010-05-19 11:04:49 点击:28 评论:0
#!/bin/sh # NetBSD 5.0 and below Hack PATH Environment overflow proof of concept # Successfull Exploitation gives guid 100 (games) # Vulnerable Function is in hack.unix.c # It is a basic strcpy stack overflow. Such overflows are hard to exploit in #
NetBSD 5.0 and below Hack GENOCIDE Environment overflow proof of concept
  日期:2010-05-19 11:04:17 点击:38 评论:0
#!/bin/sh # NetBSD 5.0 and below Hack GENOCIDE Environment overflow proof of concept # Successfull Exploitation gives guid 100 (games) # Vulnerable Function is in hack.main.c. # /usr/games/hack -D use the wizard mode. Only work in wizard mode. # It
TeamViewer 5.0.8232 Remote BOF PoC (0day)
  日期:2010-05-19 11:01:54 点击:63 评论:0
#includestdio.h #includesys/types.h #includesys/socket.h #includenetinet/in.h #includeunistd.h #define ALOC(tip,n) (tip*)malloc(sizeof(tip)*n) #define POCNAME [*]TeamViewer 5.0.8232 remote BOF poc(0day) #define AUTHOR [*]fl0 fl0w typedef int i32; ty
ChillyCMS Blind Sql Injection Vulnerability
  日期:2010-05-19 11:00:24 点击:144 评论:0
===========================================ChillyCMS Blind Sql Injection Vulnerability===========================================#!/usr/bin/hybris################################################################################### Exploit Title: Chil
Reflection Attachmate Reflection Standard Suite 2008 ActiveX Buffer Overflow
  日期:2010-05-19 10:59:42 点击:92 评论:0
============================================================================ Reflection Attachmate Reflection Standard Suite 2008 ActiveX Buffer Overflow ============================================================================ # Exploit Title: Re
win32/xp sp3 Fr (calc.exe) Shellcode 31 Bytes
  日期:2010-05-19 10:58:59 点击:60 评论:0
=============================================win32/xp sp3 Fr (calc.exe) Shellcode 31 Bytes============================================= /* | Title: Windows Xp Pro SP3 Fr (calc.exe) Shellcode 31 Bytes | Type: Shellcode | Author: agix | Platform: win3
  日期:2010-05-18 10:53:53 点击:44 评论:0
?php ini_set ( max_execution_time , 0 ) ; error_reporting ( 7 ) ; function usage ( ) { global $argv ; exit ( n --+++============================================================+++-- . n --+++====== PhpCms 2008 Sp3 Blind SQL Injection Exploit======
phpcms 2008 yp.php 0day exp
  日期:2010-05-18 10:52:59 点击:69 评论:0
?php ini_set ( max_execution_time , 0 ) ; error_reporting ( 7 ) ; function usage ( ) { global $argv ; exit ( n --+++============================================================+++-- . n --+++====== PhpCms 2008 Sp3 Blind SQL Injection Exploit======
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