#!/usr/bin/python # # This vulnerability uses file_get_contents() # so we have some limitations, we cant execute PHP # and we cant read files that the web server will # interpret such as PHP, conf etc # # tested on: Ubuntu Linux 2.6.32 with php v5.3
# Exploit Title: MediaHuman Music Converter 1.0.1 .wav and .mp3 Denial of Service # Date: September 17, 2010 # Author: modpr0be # Software Link: http://www.mediahuman.com/download.html # Version: 1.0.1 # Tested on: Windows 7 # CVE : # How it works?
#DJ Studio Pro Version SEH 0 day #Author Abhishek Lyall - abhilyall[at]gmail[dot]com, info[at]aslitsecurity[dot]com #Web - http://www.aslitsecurity.com/ #Blog - http://www.aslitsecurity.blogspot.com/ #Download Vulnerable application from h
#!/usr/bin/python # bacnet.py # BACnet OPC Client Buffer Overflow Exploit # Jeremy Brown [0xjbrown41-gmail-com] # Sept 2010 # # After communicating via several emails with the vendor, sharing details # about the vulnerability, as well as proof-of-co
/* Ac1dB1tch3z Vs Linux Kernel x86_64 0day Today is a sad day.. R.I.P. Tue, 29 Apr 2008 / Tue, 7 Sep 2010 a bit of history: MCAST_MSFILTER Compat mode bug found... upon commit! (2 year life on this one) author David L Stevens dlstevens () us ibm com
/* * exploit for x86_64 linux kernel ia32syscall emulation (again) *rediscovered by ben hawkes *with help from robert swiecki and tavis ormandy * * original vulnerability discovered by Wojciech Purczynski * * original exploit by * Robert Swiecki rob
#!/usr/bin/python # # Exploit Title: Honestech VHS to DVD = 3.0.30 Deluxe Local Buffer Overflow (SEH) # Date: September 16, 2010 # Author: Brennon Thomas thomab310@gmail.com # Software Link: n/a # Version: = Deluxe # Tested on: Windows XP S
# Exploit Title: Chalk Creek Media Player 1.0.7 .mp3 and .wma DOS # Date: September 16 2010 # Author: Carlos Mario Penagos Hollmann # Software Link: http://download.cnet.com/3001-2139_4-10526196.html?spi=a1e3adfe2f3af811074a43111c901f6c # Version: 1
#MP3 Workstation Version SEH exploit #Author Sanjeev Gupta san.gupta86[at]gmail.com #Download Vulnerable application from http://www.e-soft.co.uk/MP3%20Workstation.htm #Vulnerable version MP3 Workstation Version #Tested on XP SP2