#!/usr/bin/perl#(+)Exploit Title: Windows Media player 11.0.5721.5145 Buffer overflow/DOS Exploit#(+)Software : Windows Media player#(+)Version : 11.0.5721.5145#(+)Tested On : WIN-XP SP3#(+) Date : 31.03.2011#(+) Hour : 13:37 #Similar Bug was found
#!/usr/bin/perl #(+)Exploit Title: GOM Media Player 0day Buffer overflow/DOS Exploit #(+)Software Link: download.cnet.com/GOM-Media-Player/3000-2139_4-10701768.html #(+)Software : GOM Media Player #(+)Version : #(+)Tested On :
#!/usr/bin/perl #(+)Exploit Title: Real player Buffer overflow/DOS Exploit #(+)Software Link: www.soft32.com/download_122615.html #(+)Software: Real player #(+)Version: #(+)Tested On: WIN-XP SP3 #(+) Date : 31.03.2011 #(+) Hour
#### # # Exploit title: Pligg CMS file existence exploration/shared hosting privilege escalation # H.ackAck.net # Found by: Jelmer de Hen # ###### 15/03/2011 I released some Pligg exploits: http://h.ackack.net/the-pligg-cms-0dayset-1.html 22/03/2011
# done by BraniX branix@hackers.org.pl # www.hackers.org.pl # found: 2011.03.29 # published: 2011.03.29 # tested on: Windows XP SP3 Home Edition # App: Media Player Classic - Home Cinema # App Url: http://mpc-hc.sourceforge.net/download-m
I reported this to Oracle, but I have been told that this is part of theBSD standard and a desire feature (!).In a nutshell, as an ordinary user, I can bind to a port using aspecific address even if another process is already bound to it with awildc
# done by BraniX branix@hackers.org.pl # www.hackers.org.pl # found: 2011.03.27 # published: 2011.03.29 # tested on: Windows XP SP3 Home Edition # tested on: Windows XP SP3 Professional Edition # App: Winamp 5.61 # App Url: http://www.winamp.com # i
# done by BraniX branix@hackers.org.pl # www.hackers.org.pl # found: 2011.03.27 # published: 2011.03.29 # tested on: Windows XP SP3 Home Edition # tested on: Windows XP SP3 Professional Edition # App: Windows Explorer 6.0.2900.5512 (Shmedia.dll 6.0.
# done by BraniX branix@hackers.org.pl # www.hackers.org.pl # found: 2011.03.29 # published: 2011.03.29 # tested on: Windows XP SP3 Home Edition # App: GOM Player # App Url: http://download.cnet.com/GOM-Media-Player/3000-13632_4-10551786
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Software................Easy File Sharing Web Server Version 5.8 Vulnerability...........Persistent Cross-site Scripting Threat Level............Moderate (2/5) Download........
## # $Id: drb_remote_codeexec.rb 12161 2011-03-27 20:00:06Z egypt $ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more inf