The root user is disabled on Red Star, and it doesn't look like there is a way to enable it. UnFortunately, they left a big security hole: the Software Manager (swmng.app), which runs as root through sudo and will install any RPM package, even if unsigned.
To get root, get this RPM package I made into Red Star through an ISO (if you're using a virtual machine) or USB key, double-click it to open it with the Software Manager, and click through the blue buttons until it’s done. After that, run rootsh to get a root shell. Being a RedHat-based system (hinting on Fedora 15), SELinux will prevent you from doing some things, but disabling it is a matter of running setenforce 0 as root.
Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!jgBT0RxZ!LQDEBBrbGxE6fag4d_A2C2cWj2PSNR_ZvnSW_UjRD5E Mirror: http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/redstarroot.rpm
## Source: http://richardg867.wordpress.com/2015/01/01/notes-on-red-star-os-3-0/ & http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/01/09/1