import zlib
print "################################################"
print "# THe W0lf is so close #"
print "# ZTE 931Vii Router configuration unpacker #"
print "# Find configuration file @ #"
print "# L0ukanik0s 2014 Hack-Hosting #"
print " #"
print "################################################"
print "Enter your config.bin path: e.g root@l0ukanik0s:~#/Desktop/931router_config.bin"
configfile = raw_input ( "File Path :" ).strip()
magic_numbers = [ '\x78\xDA' ]
filename = configfile
infile = open (filename, 'r' )
data =
pos = 0
found = False
while pos < len (data):
window = data[pos:pos + 2 ]
for marker in magic_numbers:
if window = = marker:
found = True
start = pos
print "Start of zlib %s" % pos
rest_of_data = data[start:]
decomp_obj = zlib.decompressobj()
uncompressed_msg = decomp_obj.decompress(rest_of_data)
print "Configuration of ZTE 931 File Content: %s" % uncompressed_msg
if pos = = len (data):
pos + = 1
if found:
header = data[:start]
footer = decomp_obj.unused_data
if not found:
print "Sorry, no zlib found."