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Fog Dragonfly 0.8.2 Command Injection Vulnerability
来源:@_larry0 作者:Cashdollar 发布时间:2013-09-10  
TITLE: Remote Command Injection in fog-dragonfly-0.8.2 Ruby Gem
Credit: Larry W. Cashdollar, @_larry0
Date: 8/16/2013
CVE: 2013-5671
"Dragonfly is an on-the-fly Rack-based image handling framework. It is suitable for use with Rails, Sinatra and other web frameworks. Although it's mainly used for images, it can handle any content type."
Unescaped user supplied input is passed to the command line for shell execution:
from fog-dragonfly-0.8.2/lib/dragonfly/imagemagickutils.rb:
20     def convert(tempobject, args='', format=nil)
 21       tempfile = newtempfile(format)
 22       run "#{convertcommand} #{args} #{tempobject.path} #{tempfile.path}"
 23       tempfile
 24     end
61     def run(command)
 62       log.debug("Running command: #{command}") if ImageMagickUtils.log_commands
 63       begin
 64         result = #{command}
Vendor Notified: 8/16/2013

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